trump and the troops

What people took it as a sign that Trump disrespected John McCain actually turns out to have been a leak about his attitude to soldiers in general who, while fighting for the country, are captured, wounded, or killed. Unless you can build a statue to them, they are just losers.

In France, in spite of the other heads of state being able to get there including the Chancellor of the country against whom the Allied Forces fought, Trump was a no show at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 claiming the rainy weather made it impossible to get his helicopter there, according to the official statement.

Aisne-Marne is where 2,289 U.S. troops are buried, many of whom died at the bloody Battle of Belleau Wood, a battle that is a source of great pride among U.S. Marines.

His excuse at the time seemed a little wanting in devotion to those who gave their lives and manliness, but new reporting says it could be worse as a recent report Trump did not go the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery because he regarded the dead World War I veterans as “suckers” and “losers” according to four senior staffers.

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” Trump reportedly said.

He also wanted to know who the “good guys” had been and why the Marines fought for the Allies.

Trump likes to appeal to the troops when it rouses his base and when he wants to look like the American he isn’t deep down, and this negative attitude toward those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the country alternates with his cartoonish use of the troops to distract people from real issues like a burglar uses meat to distract the guard dogs.

Back in 2015 Trump told an Iowa summit that john McCain

“was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Standing with John Kelly next to the grave of his son, Robert Kelly who was killed in Afghanistan, at Arlington National cemetery in 2017, Trump asked him,

 “I don’t get it—what’s in it for them?”

The man just does not understand altruism. If he can’t gain something, an action goes undone.

While Trump really wanted a Bastille day, North Korea style military parade in 2018 which was scrapped due to the $92 million price tag, Trump reportedly asked not to include wounded veterans because “nobody wants to see that.”

During the run up to the 2016 elections, Trump criticized the Muslim parents of a slain U.S. soldier because the slain soldier’s father had said at the Democratic National Convention that Trump “sacrificed nothing” for the country responding,

 “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices; I work very, very hard.”

Trump himself had avoided the draft for the Vietnam War with five deferments, four education deferments and a deferment because of his medical condition, “bone spurs”.

He uses the troops as pawns to score political points with his base like he did when, rather than discuss racial disparity, something that would turn off those with white supremacist leanings in his base, he used his bully pulpit to claim the action of taking a knee at NFL games was disrespecting the troops. Later he would change that to disrespecting law enforcement when it appeared to be useful.

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But even in this time of demonstrations, marches, and protests because of the continuing lack of addressing racial inequality, Trump found a way to use the troops even as the troops would rather he wouldn’t.

Although he is seen next to the president in his military camo during the ballet, former secretary of defense, General James Mattis, criticized Trump’s use of federal troops against peaceful protesters in Washington, D.C. to gas them out of Lafayette Square so he could hold a Bible upside down in front of the church from which clergy who set up a station to aid anyone from either side, protesters and law enforcement as needed, were driven to allow for that photo.

Mattis said after the fact,

 “When I joined the military, some 50 years ago, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens—much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside.”

Those watching the event in the former Rose, now roseless, Garden, and those at it that afternoon could not help but hear muffled explosions and gun shot in the background, but, like General Mattis who was not informed about what the White House had unleashed at the moment, had no idea what was going on.

When the event ended, Mattis had simply fallen in line behind the cabinet and speakers, but rather than return into the White House, found himself entering a scene that went totally against what the military stands for.

Like the troops he had been used, and like the troops he has finally seen and acknowledged that. Troop support of Trump has slipped since 2016 from 40.5% to 37.4% now.

They might have found, or finally have seen, how they are being used.

Let’s hope law enforcement catches on too before they are discarded after use.

And as far as a “loser” remark, on September 3 Trump tweeted, in spite of video to the contrary,

“Also I never called John a loser and swear on whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on, I have never called our great fallen soldiers anything but HEROES,”

In spite of a retweet of his from July 2018 which said,

“via fitsnews: Donald Trump: said John McCain is “a loser”

If he didn’t mean it, why did he retweet it without rebuttal?

At Oklahoma City University, on top of the tallest building on the campus sits a huge gold star. It was erected to honor all those families who had lost someone during World War II and continues to honor parents now and, unfortunately, the future.

Being gold, while it honors Gold Star Families everywhere and for all time, while most people see the depth of the symbol, Trump just might see it as a waste of gold.


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