I will skip the details only because I have written about them before, but a request I had made of a school district administration to address a problem that should have been something easy to consider and do as it involved student welfare was not the no brainer it should have been. It ended up involving years of advocacy and educating those who should have known better.
At one point I had turned to some national advocacy groups for whatever help they could give, more in the form of advice, guidance, and, perhaps, the involvement of advocates more experienced than I as opposed to money. Email help and the evaluating of documents and advice on further steps would have not needed money anyway.
The three most relevant groups to whom I turned told me that they had to be careful and selective about which advocacy they actively supported, first because they had to be careful with their funding and second, as mine was not taking place in a community with a big enough name, they saw no general benefit from a win but a bad result with a loss..
I was on my own.
With persistence and local moral support, my advocacy began to pay off, and with that, the heavy work having been done and with success rising over the horizon, these same groups took an interest, but the best they could offer was advice on what was no longer relevant as the advocacy was beyond that point.
When with a personal price having been paid, and the advocacy having finally succeeded, along with the congratulations for a job well done, these same groups expressed their satisfaction with having been a part of the process. A local person with a connection to one of these groups, on the night of the school board’s vote to amend the relevant school policies, wrote a press release that along with congratulating me for the persistence and success expressed her gratitude for having been able to have played a part, regardless how small it might have been.
It put me in mind of the story of the Little Red Hen who, after finding some wheat and asking the other farmyard animals for help planting it, harvesting it, milling it into flour, and baking it into bread, was refused their help at each step when asked while these same animals agreed to help her eat the finished product when all the work had been done.
After claiming any attention to COVID- 19 was just a political attack against him, claiming that over a month ago that the number of those having it would soon be at zero, saying at that same time that we would be able to be tested upon request as we would have enough tests, and pushing hydroxochloroquine and injecting disinfectant was the cure, Trump now has announced, after Dr, Fauci said that trials on certain vaccines were moving along, that the United States plans to accelerate the development of a coronavirus vaccine in an effort dubbed “Operation Warp Speed.”
After announcing ,
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When Trump was asked who would be in charge of the operation, Trump informed us that,
“You know who’s in charge of it? I am.”
He went on to say,
“I’m the one who gets blamed.”
But up until now he has said he is responsible for nothing but good ratings for his now defunct daily press conferences, and before that, as we headed toward a government shut-down in December 2019, because of an impasse over his demand for $5.7 billion in federal funds for his border wall, Trump told Senator Schumer in the Oval Office,
” I am proud to shut down the government for border security … I will be the one to shut [the government] down. I’m not going to blame you for it … I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,”
only later to lay the blame for the shut-down on Nancy Pelosi.
So while he is the only one who can fix it and knows if things go bard (worse) he will be blamed, there obviously is a question as to whether he will take the praise of others do come up with a vaccine at warp speed, or blame them if they do not.
Thos who know about such thing, scientists and pharmaceutical companies, have previously suggested that clinical trials that guarantee a vaccine is safe and effective could take up 12 to 18 months.
So if all goes well, be assured that Trump will tell us that he is proud to have been such an effective leader with Mike Pence praising him repeatedly in any remarks, but if things do not happen at warp speed there will be a series of tweets condemning those who failed.
But either way, he will tell us how good his ratings were when he appears on television to tell us the results of the vaccine trials.