It seems that whenever the “liberals” gather for a protest either against some suppressing of people’s rights or in favor of recognizing those of a group of people whose rights have been denied them, the conservative right, often in the form of the GOP, attempts to minimize or completely dismiss the validity of those gathering by claiming they are actors hired to perform.
Parents who lost children at Sandy Hook Elementary school were actors pretending that the non existing school shooting had taken place would be one example.
Another time that reality took a back seat to this claim was when the people who attended the Women’s March, the March for Our Lives, and the Climate March were supposed to be paid actors. Considering the hundreds of thousands who attended these events in a number of cities, that is a lot of hired actors.
I am still waiting for my paycheck.
Another unrelated, but interesting piece of irony, is that, while the GOP supports both subtle and clumsy attempts at voter suppression claiming their actions regarding this is because of the amount of voter fraud, there are actually few cases of voter fraud, but the most glaring examples of it when it is found are done by members of the GOP.
Without evidence, but obviously based on a vast degree of hope or outright lies, those who support the “re-open America” movement have claimed that those healthcare workers who have blocked the drive around demonstrations near hospitals, actually were, obviously, hired actors.
Now true to form, Dr. Kelli Ward, chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, has called for re-open demonstrators to dress in scrubs and masks to confuse reporters.
She tweeted,
“Planning protest to #ReOpenAmerica? EVERYONE wear scrubs and masks — the media doesn’t care if you are really in healthcare or not — it’s the ‘message’ that matters!”
That way, her actors can cause disruptions from mild to dangerous that can be blamed on real healthcare workers, or it will appear healthcare workers actually support unlimited re-opening contrary to the media’s message.
It also could create a problem when someone, hoping to get medical help for themselves or someone else, might lose valuable time going first to the wrong person.
At the time of her tweet, the pandemic had killed more than 55,000 Americans and sickened nearly 1 million with 6,000 affected people in her state, Arizona, among them.
Although she may be a doctor of osteopathic medicine, she is best known as a conspiracy-mongering former state senator.
She supports the Patriot Movement having tweeted her support of Patriot Movement AZ.
Her state party chair election efforts were aided by Jake Hoffman and Tyler Bowyer of Turning Point USA which has ties to white nationalists, and she brought in Shialee Grooman, also from Turning Point and who has often posted homophobic and racist comments online, to work with her.
These are usually generic viagra order completed by using special imaging techniques. sildenafil 50mg price Mengiste’s new book named “Beneath the Lions Gaze” is centered on, which she read a few excerpts from. If shifting the diet plan is just not doing work quick generico cialis on line sufficient, a health supplement must be applied. Mistake 3: Failure to use a penis vitamin creme Just like the skin of the face and hands, the penis skin may seem minor, and in most cases, doctors don’t recommend free sildenafil samples etc.When she ran for the senate in 2018, she claimed that when John McCain’s family announced he would stop cancer treatments, it was done to negatively affect her campaign. She later played the innocent, misunderstood victim by claiming,
“I do understand how many could have misconstrued my comments as insensitive, and for this I apologize. The intention of my comments were in no way directed at Senator McCain or his family.”
It wasn’t the McCains who hurt her campaign it was her insensitive remark.
She also believes that “Political correctness is like a cancer” and that her style is to “talk directly to the people.”
“I’m not a robot. I’m not an automaton. I’m not somebody who’s programmed with talking points. I don’t mean to offend people, I just mean to speak directly to people, and I think that’s why people want me in this race.”
While some governors issued some restrictions and some full lockdown measures to combat the corona virus, as some are reviewing the best and safest way to reopen, Alaska, Georgia, Oklahoma, and South Carolina have lifted restrictions, Texas is about to, and Arizona’s stay-at-home order is set to expire on April 30.
Polling shows that 60% of Americans oppose the protests, with just 22% supporting them. Polls also found that 71% of respondents were concerned about opening things up too quickly as opposed a slower, more careful approach.
While the re-open demonstrations have the appearance of spontaneous, grassroots gatherings of patriotic citizens of like mind, in reality the Michigan protest was organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, co-founded by a GOP state representative and his wife, who is on the advisory board of Women for Trump and the co-founder of Michigan Trump Republicans, and Greg McNeilly, a longtime political adviser to the DeVos family which includes Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
Other demonstrations were instigated by the Dorr family. Ben Dorr is the leader of Minnesota Gun Rights who also started Pennsylvanians Against Excessive Quarantine and Ohioans Against Excessive Quarantine. His brother, Aaron, created New Yorkers Against Excessive Quarantine.
InfoWars promoted demonstrations in Texas. Its founder, Alex Jones, has been banned from a number of internet platforms and claimed Sandy Hook never happened which resulted in his having to pay $100,000 in legal fees for the parents of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting who were suing him. The Food and Drug Administration directed him to stop promoting his snake oil cure for COVID-19..
InfoWars planned a second grassroots rally to
“Show the globalists, including eugenicist Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, and the CDC, that they can’t suspend freedom in America at a mere whim, and that they can’t force us to wear face masks like the people in Communist China, from whence the Wuhan corona virus originated.”
So it is not really all that surprising that Ward would encourage demonstrators to misrepresent the people who are caring for those already affected by COVID-19, and could very well end up caring for the demonstrators who do not wear masks, stand close together, and carry firearms as if they can ward off the virus with the threat of using them.