Can’t hide behind the whistle blower dismissal.

It is not just a whistle blower any more.

Jim Jordan likes to present himself a someone on the moral high ground and dismisses the accusations of former members of his college wrestling team as something he had no direct knowledge about.

Had he, he would have done something.

A report by the law firm Perkins Coie* established this past summer that the longtime doctor for Ohio State athletic teams, Richard Strauss, had sexually abused at least 177 male athletes from 1979 to 1996 at Ohio State University.

While Jordan presents the findings of the report as exoneration by saying,

“They talked to hundreds … of people. And the university, for people who were harmed, is going to pay for their counseling, But it confirms everything I said. If we’d have known about it, we’d have reported it. It confirms everything I’ve said before. I didn’t know about anything. If I would’ve, I’d have done something,”

because the report noted that

investigations “did not identify any contemporaneous documentary evidence that members of the OSU coaching staff, including head coaches or assistant coaches, received or were aware of complaints regarding Strauss sexual misconduct,”

Jordan conveniently ignores that wile the failure to have any documentation in writing might mean there was nothing reported, it also could illustrate that any complaints, direct or indirect, received no follow up especially as the report also notes that athletes said they “openly discussed Strauss’ behavior in front of the coaching staff, and 22 coaches confirmed “ they were aware of rumors and/or complaints about Strauss, dating back to the late 1970s and extending into the mid-1990s.

So Jordan is accepting those parts of the report that favor his claim while ignoring those parts that put his lack of act into question.

Jordan might be able to rely in his own mind that he had not seen anything himself so his inaction was justified, or that someone claiming something was a dismissible whistle blower, but, now, a college wrestling referee claims in a new lawsuit that he told Jim Jordan two decades ago that Strauss had masturbated in the shower in front of him, and that the response he got from OSU head coach Russ Hellickson and his assistant, Jim Jordan, was

 “Yeah, that’s Strauss.”

This implies an awareness of known behavior.

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The referee is the second person to claim he told Jordan about being sexually approached or molested by Strauss.

Multiple former wrestlers have previously accused Jordan of turning a blind eye to the abuse.

I taught high school for many years, and although I had no connection directly with any athletic teams beyond having athletes in my class and attending games, I, and other teachers, heard rumors of inappropriate behavior by members of the coaching staff and reported hem so that the rumors could be confirmed or dispelled.

His denial is very convenient and unrealistic.

According to the report that Jordan claims exonerates him and supports his claim that he just hadn’t heard anything, from 1978 to 1998 Strauss had sexually abused at least 177 male students with the earliest known abuse dating back to 1979.

Ohio State now admits in a 2019 report  that Strauss had committed at least 1,429 sexual assaults and 47 rapes while employed by the school.

That seems a very high number that could not have never possibly become a topic of gossip or legitimate conversation among students and somehow brought to attention of someone in authority.

A second referee has said that he was also sexually abused by Strauss in 1990 or 1991, and had called OSU’s Athletic Department to report the incident a few days after a massage from the doctor went a bit too far. He reported that he had been fondled while getting an ACE bandage wrapped during the wrestling meet, and gave the person with whom he spoke his name and phone number.

In spite of being told that his report would be taken care of, he was never contacted by anyone from OSU regarding his report.

Jordan was employed as an assistant coach for the wrestling team 1986 and 1994.

*If Perkins Coie has a familiar ring to it, it is the law firm that Jim Jordan included in his list of un-American bad guys that he connected to the Steele Dossier when he was filibustering Fiona Hill during the impeachment hearings on Thursday, November 21, 2019 while attempting to introduce a distraction and deflection.

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