It’s clear

The U.S. bishops are condemning the Equality Act’s recent passage by the House of Representatives and, instead, are endorsing new federal anti-transgender guidelines, claiming  they are “gravely disappointed” because the Equality Act would protect GLBT from discrimination.

 “Rather than offering meaningful protections for individuals, the Equality Act would impose sweeping new norms that negatively impact the unborn, health care, charitable services, schools, personal privacy, athletics, free speech, religious liberties, and parental rights. The Act’s unsound definitions of ‘sex’ and ’gender identity’ would erase women’s distinct, hard-won recognition in federal laws. Its sex-based nondiscrimination terms would end women’s shelters and many single-sex schools. It would close faith-based foster care and adoption agencies that honor children’s rights to a mother and father. The bill would even act as an abortion mandate. We must pursue justice and equality for anyone denied it; but this is a regrettable approach.”

Perhaps someone can explain to me how my not being denied housing, employment, credit, or medical care invades someone else’s privacy, affects the unborn while mandating abortion, and removes women’s recognition in federal law, a strange claim from a church that treats women as less than their male church members.

These bishops applauded the Trump administration’s latest assault on transgender rights, expressing gratitude for the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) prohibiting “sex” from being interpreted as inclusive of “gender identity”, an action that will remove Transgender healthcare protections implemented by President Barack Obama.

Some of the leaders of the bishop conference also praised the HHS guidelines that would allow healthcare providers to deny care to GLBT people if such denial is based in the provider’s claimed religious beliefs.

Like what Jesus did when he asked those who sought healing a series of personal questions before deciding if He would help them.

And, as far as their claim that GLBT equality “would erase women’s distinct, hard-won recognition in federal laws” and would impact personal privacy without saying how, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops celebrated the passage of anti-choice laws in states like Alabama which do just that and spell out how.

Isn’t it great that a tax exempt religious entity wants control over the lives of U.S. citizens beyond those who belong to their church?

One of their biggest arguments should be offensive to their own training and established beliefs.

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It’s the belief that the first seven people who already have a slice of pie from an eight slice pie will somehow lose their slice when an eighth person enters the room.

See ladies, you are not the only victims of the closed old boys’ church.

I don’t think they are thinking this through.

If GLBT people can be fired from their jobs, that will reduce the number of people paying taxes. And, although the bishops rely on the taxes paid by workers to support those public infrastructure items and services that are supported by them, things like roads that are used by their congregations to get to their churches, and give money at the collections, and fire and police departments, public hospitals, community colleges etc. from which they are exempt from paying for as they pay no taxes, the stand to lose as the taxes from people who pay for their “free” services.

They are weakening their own sweet deal.

Forcing one religion’s beliefs on all citizens whether followers or not is very close to a certain religion’s practice in those countries in which it is the majority religion.

Wrong for them; wrong for us.



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