Last week when he was supposed to address the government shutdown and how it should be ended, Trump shifted, as he often does, from the topic he was supposed to be covering to spouting misinformation about those reporting to entry points and the number of undocumented people living in the United States.
While Sarah Huckabee Sanders pulled her figure of 4,000 terrorists having been apprehended at the Sothern Border out of the Trump fantasy world of alternate facts, Trump announced there were 35 million undocumented people living in th country, and, of course, they pose a threat.
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“San Diego and areas of California, we just finished brand new walls. Beautiful walls. Steel walls. And they wanted them badly. They were asking us – that’s why we did it there. I said, ‘Let’s not go to California.’ California always complains through their great governors. They’re always complaining. I said, ‘Let’s not do it.’ Let’s let the governor ask us. But we did it anyway because they really needed it. They were having tremendous problems. So we built a brand new wall in San Diego and it’s working really well. You should go and look at it. It’s amazing. It’s incredible how well it works. But these coyotes and these human traffickers – they make a right turn before they get to the port of entry. They go as far as the wall is, or as far as the barricade is., and then they make a left. Welcome to the United States. And what they do with usually the women – sometimes children – that they are trafficking with an end you don’t want to know about.”
They apparently could fool the system by turning in the other direction,