Step one was denying even a meeting with Merrick Garland.
Step 2 is ramming a nominee into the Supreme Court so that no matter how the country may evolve in the future, the present day old white guys will extend their control long after they have died, and to hell with the results. They will be dead, after all, and won’t have to face it or deal with it.
As Mitch McConnell explained,
“If you want to have a longtime impact on what kind of country we’re going to have for the next generation the single most consequential thing we can do is these lifetime appointment of men and women to the court who believe that the job of a judge is to follow the law.”
By which he meant the conservative agenda.
This past Friday at the Value Voters Summit Mitch McConnell assured the religious conservatives that despite Doctor Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when she was a teenager,
“In the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be on the United States Supreme Court. So my friends, keep the faith, don’t get rattled by all of this. We’re going to plow right through it and do our job.”
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The morally righteous religious crowd cheered and applauded.
Obviously Mitch is not serious about hearing Ford’s side of the story and was just doing it for appearances.
“We’re not going to get rattled by all of this and I don’t want you to get rattled by it. We’re not going to slow down.”
Trump, the last person who should be commenting on anyone’s allegations of sexual assault, questioned why Ford hadn’t reported the incident at the time and instead waited decades to come forward. He even got in a childish dig at her parents when he tweeted,
“I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!”
As far as McConnell blocking former President Barack Obama for the Supreme Court in 2016, because the GOP had only a close 51-49 majority, he considers that to have been his most consequential decision.
So to set the plan in motion, let what’s best for the country, what’s best for the people, and what used to be the moral high ground of the religious be damned, it’s all about controlling the Court.