Shame on Justice Ginsberg expressing an opinion on a presidential candidate, something that has never been done before.
She is a Liberal, and it’s just one more things that liberals do.
The audacity of a SCOTUS Justice to express a political opinion.
Justice Ginsberg called Donald Trump a “faker” who should release his tax returns. She also said that she “can’t imagine” a Trump presidency, and that “everything” would be up for grabs with him occupying the White House.
“For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.”
Donald was quick to respond,
“I think it’s highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign. Frankly, I think it’s a disgrace to the court and I think she should apologize to the court. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.”
He was angry and claimed that it was “beneath the court” for Ginsburg to criticize him, and he argued that her comments would only further energize his supporters.
“And I would hope that she would get off the court as soon as possible,” he added.
But was she uniquely out of line, or I this just another example when history if ignored when convenient to do so.
In 1955, Thurgood Marshall, needing a signature to save a man’s life, and with the Florida Supreme Court having rejected his request for a last-minute stay of execution, Marshall needed the Chief Justice of the United States, Fred Vinson, to stop the execution before it was too late
Marshall found the chief in a hotel playing poker with former President Harry Truman, and after reading Marshall’s written request, Vinson decided to side with Marshall’s client.
Truman and Vinson often discussed matters of state, and Vinson even joined political meetings about who Truman should select as his running mate in the 1948 election.
As recently as 2002, businessman Wallace Carline, knowing Justice Antonin Scalia admired Vice President Cheney, invited the vice-president to a duck hunt that the justice was already planning to attend. Both men flew together to the hunt.
Cheney later chaired the Bush administration’s, and during a case concerning the Sierra Club’s seeking documents from the same National Energy Policy Development Group , Scalia denied a request to recuse himself from the, a request based on his personal connection to a party in the lawsuit.
Scalia explained,
“Many Justices have reached this Court precisely because they were friends of the incumbent President or other senior officials, and from the earliest days down to modern times Justices have had close personal relationships with the President and other officers of the Executive.”
I have read that John Quincy Adams hosted dinner parties attended by Chief Justice Marshall, Justices Johnson, Story, and Todd, Attorney General Wirt, and Daniel Webster.
Justice Harlan and his wife often visited Rutherford B. Hayes and his family, passing Sundays visiting and singing hymns.
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And speaking of Roosevelts, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes should have recused himself in the case Northern Securities Co. v. United States, a case that challenged Theodore Roosevelt’s trust-busting initiative because he and his wife dinned at the White House every other week.
Justice Abe Fortas wrote speeches for President Lyndon Johnson, and offered counsel on the Vietnam War. He even helped draft legislation that could have wound up before his Court.
When Social Security was being created and could possibly end up before the Supreme Court, Justices Louis Brandeis and Harlan Fiske Stone helped write the bill.
During the 2010 State of the Union when President Obama criticized the Court’s decision in Citizens United, Justice Samuel Alito mouthed “not true”.
In 2012 Alito was the keynote speaker at the conservative Federalist Society’s annual banquet where he criticized legal arguments raised by the Obama administration in the Supreme Court.
He labeled the reelection of President Barack Obama as a “moment of utmost sterility, darkest night, most extreme peril”.
The rule against judges opposing political candidates does not exist because such statements make judges less likely to express their biases in their judicial decisions, it exists because an appearance of bias could undermine the legitimacy of the judiciary.
John Jay was the first Chief Justice of the United States, and Jay took a break from his judicial duties to serve as President Washington’s envoy to negotiate a trade agreement with Great Britain.
The Jay Treaty formed one of the sharpest dividing lines between Alexander Hamilton’s Federalists and Thomas Jefferson’s Republicans because t Jefferson the treaty represented a Federalist capitulation to British hegemony and a betrayed France.
The treaty was part of the process that broke the united approach to governance into two opposing political parties.
Jay even ran for office while sitting on the bench, twice as a Federalist.
In 1948 Justice William Douglas campaigned for the presidency while still a member of the Supreme Court.
Then there was Bush v Gore decided along the justices’ political lines.
When it came to the decision on the Affordable Care Act, four Republican appointees voted to repeal the law in its entirely, and the Court’s one remaining Republican embraced most of the arguments raised by the law’s opponents.
Antonin Scalia’s racism and sexism were well known, and he let i be known his legal decisions were influenced by his religious beliefs .
He and Justice Thomas had no problem accepting trips paid for by people with business pending before the court, and Scalia died on a hunting trip paid for by one such person.
John Roberts openly opposed Affirmative Action and the Voting Rights Act since his time with Saint Ronald Reagan, and no one suggested he recuse himself from related cases.
Clarence Thomas’ wife was employed by a corporation when its case came before the Court, and Justice Thomas did not recuse himself and ruled in the corporation’s favor.
Perhaps the Notorious RBG was a little too direct in her assessment of the Donald, but expressing her opinion in the political arena is not a sin unique to her.