A lot of people want Elizabeth Warren to run for president.
I don’t.
I think it is important that someone as ballsie as she is stay in the Senate and keep on them.
If she becomes president, she will be too spread out on the things she would need to deal with, and her opposition (and that would include Fox News) would do everything they could to make her fail.
We’ve seen them do that.
She needs to fight for the middle class where she is, and call the rest of the Senate on its stupidity.
Take what she did just this last Friday when the gang in Washington was getting ready to kick the people to the curb and give the banks the freedom to screw us all over again at our expense and with our being there to bail them out after they made the mess they very well might.
CitiGroup has strong ties in D.C., and the CRomnibus bill contains a provision it was responsible for and which it managed to get members of congress to put in.
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It involves watering down Dodd-Frank which would be great for banks but real lousy for “We the People”.
Warren spoke against this.
“Mr. President, Democrats don’t like Wall Street bailouts. Republicans don’t like Wall Street bailouts. The American people are disgusted by Wall Street bailouts. And yet here we are five years after Dodd-Frank with Congress on the verge of ramming through a provision that would do nothing for the middle class, do nothing for community banks, do nothing but raise the risk that taxpayers will have to bail out the biggest banks once again.”
After naming the number of people now in Washington in top positions who were once part of CitiGroup, she continued
“You know, there is a lot of talk lately about how Dodd-Frank isn’t perfect. There is a lot of talk coming from CitiGroup about how Dodd-Frank isn’t perfect. So let me say this to anyone listening at Citi —I agree with you. Dodd-Frank isn’t perfect. It should have broken you into pieces. If this Congress is going to open up Dodd-Frank in the months ahead then let’s open it up to get tougher, not to create more bailout opportunities.”
It is Christmas time, and what would the season be like without a little elf, Lindsey Graham having to say something in opposition, even if it was just the mewling of someone out of touch, but with a need to comment.
“You have every right to vote no and argue to bring the bill down,” Graham said. “If there’s something you don’t like, welcome to democracy. If you follow the lead of the senator of Massachusetts … people are not going to believe you are mature enough to run the place. Don’t follow her lead. She’s the problem.”
Apparently he does not understand that in our democratic form of governance, fixing a problem is what the House and Senate are expected to do.
Apparently according to Graham, this is a democracy, so congress shouldn’t act like it is.