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John McCain


It seems that every time there is a country with it’s own people fighting each other, John McCain demands that the United States supply arms to one side to fight the other.

Recently he wanted the United States to arm the rebels in Syria even though we were not sure who the rebels actually were or what would happen to the arms once they were supplied.

Then there was the Ukraine business where he wanted the United States to arm the Ukrainians against Russia and the separatists.

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He is just running from one incident to another demanding the United States get involved in  other countries’ business as if he will not be happy until we are fighting another war.

It’s like he is suffering from a form of combat ADHD, or is that kid on Christmas morning who, before he has unwrapped any gift all the way, is running off to the next one to tear at its paper.

He really, really wants us in another war.

God’s go some “splainin” to do


For those not familiar with the story, and even for those who are and just need a memory bump, Abraham was told by God that he would be the father of a nation and his children would be as multiple as the sands upon the seashore.

Because his wife, Sarah, seemed barren, Abraham, at her insistence, exercised his right to have a child with his Number One concubine, Hagar, so that he would have an heir.

Such an arrangement was acceptable.

Now God must have known about this, so when he said in Genesis 12:

2 “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing”
ב וְאֶעֶשְׂךָ, לְגוֹי גָּדוֹל, וַאֲבָרֶכְךָ, וַאֲגַדְּלָה שְׁמֶךָ; וֶהְיֵה, בְּרָכָה.

and, being able to see past, present, and future as one, He certainly would have known that upcoming events would cause a bit of confusion as Sarah eventually bore a child herself according to God’s own plan.

He’s the one who made it happen even as Abraham had some doubts considering he was around 100 and Sarah would be in her late 90s at child birth.

But, hey, God said it was okay.

So Abraham ended up with two sons with neither specified as the beginning of a great nation.

So, again at his wife’s insistence, Abraham throws his first son, Ishmael, along with his mother, out into the desert to die, and the happy family of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac continue on assuming that everything is just fine.

But, before sending Ishmael away, Abraham did have some questions about which son was to be the beginning of a nation, letting God know he didn’t think it was fair to make a promise and then introduce a second son creating a complication because both were technically his first sons by law.

So God eased Abraham’s doubts by assuring him in Genesis 21:

13 And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed.’
יג וְגַם אֶת-בֶּן-הָאָמָה, לְגוֹי אֲשִׂימֶנּוּ: כִּי זַרְעֲךָ, הוּא.

So it’s pretty clear that there were to be two nations.

Ishmael lives and founds his own nation (many assume the Arabs).

Isaac goes on to found the Hebrews.

So which nation is THE nation?
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The Hebrews who descended through Isaac, or the Arabs who descended through Ishmael?

Abraham was assured by God that both his kids’ descendents would go on to form nations, and certainly we can’t say one deserves the be preferred because they formed geographic centers and cities while the other remained rather nomadic for most of its history.

After World War II some of the land that had been occupied by the Palestinians was given to the Jews who, after centuries of persecution that culminated in  the Holocaust, wanted a land to call their own.

Just like with the Native Americans after the French and Indian War, heads of states in far off countries reassigned and redivided land among themselves and with others having no regard for the people who were actually there.

Isaac was given his half of the land, and Ishmael got to keep his.

Problem was that Europe instigated a war in the 1960′s that did not turn out the way they had assumed it would, and some of Ishmael’s land became spoils of war, and Isaac got more of the land.

Not content with what they now had, like settlers in the United States, the descendents of Isaac continued to encroach on the land of the descendents of Ishmael, building settlements and displacing  the people who had lived there.

The United States is a bit disingenuous if it now acts surprised that people whose land is stolen might not take too kindly to that.

It was our history, but the weapons weren’t as advanced then as they  are now.


While the song might say, “This land is mine. God gave this land to me”, the reality is, that according to his own words, He gave it to two nations without ever telling Abraham it was a temporary promise that He might just renege on.

And I assume He didn’t lie.

So perhaps grabbing land claiming it is yours by a really special arrangement while ignoring the whole plan that included at least one other group of people, and then,  when even your allies suggest that you stop just moving into occupied territory and building settlements, you thumb your nose at them, is not the best way to bring about a peaceful co-existence.

Unless your plan is to wipe out a whole group of people, guilt people into supporting you, and then just taking all the land for yourself.

Perhaps those who claim they are the people of God should honor His earlier arrangement and promise to the father of their nation?

Stop grabbing your neighbors’ land.

I believe there is a Commandment to that affect.


Misusing the troops?


President Obama, who is following a law signed in 2008 by George W Bush, in attempting to deal with the constraints of that law is looking for places to house the thousands of unaccompanied children who do not come from countries that share a border with the United States.

Those who comfortably claim they love liberty an Jesus when things are running rather smoothly, have suddenly turned against the Christian tradition of helping those less fortunate as they attack buses, scream at minor children, and talk about them in dehumanizing terms.

Up here on Cape Cod they have been referred to as “a Brown Tide of poor children crossing into America”.

President Obama has asked Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick if he can help find a housing location, and the most logical place right now is Camp Edwards on Upper Cape Cod and, according to its own web site is

“located on the 22,000-acre Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) on Upper Cape Cod. The MMR is an expansive, secure campus easily accessible from major centers in the Northeast, including Boston, Providence, Portland, Manchester, Albany, Hartford, and New York City.
Camp Edwards is the largest training area in the Northeast. Its 15,000-acre training area hosts units from Massachusetts and throughout the region”.

The governor hasn’t responded yet, but that hasn’t stopped the anti-immigrant child rhetoric.

It’s a logical place to put some of these kids, but reason is in short supply.

Look what is being suggested in Texas, a bastion of Christianity and a place where the money that could have been set aside for the poor went into building mega-churches.

House Republicans are recommending that the National Guard head to the border to face off against the children.

We all melted when we saw pictures of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan being tender toward the children in those countries who were needy, and now we are going to send them to be the opposite with the kids from Central America.

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Governor Perry of Texas wants the National Guard and Predator drones to deal with the flow of children.

And if that doesn’t happen?

Representative Louie Gohmert, who is known for some wild plans and opinions, compared the flow of unaccompanied children to the D-Day invasion of France, and wants Governor Perry to use troops, ships of war, or taxes to “stop the invasion.”

“Even with $3.7 billion that’s requested, there’s no way for what’s being called for is going to stop the invasion that’s occurring. That’s why I’m hoping that my governor will utilize Article 1, Section 10, that allows a state that is being invaded — in our case more than twice as many just in recent months, more than twice as many than invaded France on D-Day with a doubling of that coming en route, on their way here now under Article 1, Section 10, the state of Texas would appear to have the right, not only to use whatever means, whether it’s troops, even using ships of war, even exacting a tax on interstate commerce that wouldn’t normally be allowed to have or utilize, they’d be entitled in order to pay to stop the invasion.”

Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution provides that “[n]o state shall, without the consent of Congress, . . . engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.”

Is he saying these kids are the same as an invading army and that we should shoot at them and bomb them if they keep coming?

Sounds like it.

Gohmert is one of that group who believes this unprecedented migration is a plan to get more Democrats elected through the votes of the children, most of whom are under 10.

Of course, this won’t happen if we can pick them off at the border.

I hope that, unlike in other places, this humanitarian crisis brings out our better selves as opposed having our own version of Oracle, Arizona up here at the Canal, or, worse, has us reliving the ugliness of Busing in Boston.


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