Although they may assume, and, therefore, claim that marriage is their purview, in reality, when it comes to legal marriage, the closest churches come to be in charge of it is to be the setting for the show.
Each religion and denomination in it has those rules that its members have to follow to have their marriages blessed. But one religion does not necessarily accept that a marriage blessed by another actually is blessed.
The only unifying commonality is that weddings performed in any church only become legal with the signing of a court document in the sight of a witness. Until then, they are only legitimate within the walls and confines of the denomination and not beyond.
For churches to demand that the government only recognize marriages that they allow is an over stepping of lines and a usurpation of authority.
They desire to have forced on those both within and beyond their congregations what is presently their self contained beliefs and rites, and want the Supreme Court to give them power and authority over secular society that they presently do not have and do not deserve.
They are, in a sense, demanding that their religious laws and beliefs become the law of the land to which the Constitution is secondary.
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Remember, beyond the fee the couple pays for the court issued marriage license, Churches get to charge a fee for the use of their sanctuary and organist.
Are they protecting the true and legal institution of marriage, or are they afraid they will lose the money they make with each wedding.
The separation of church weddings from legal ones must remain intact.
If churches are able to usurp the legal institution of marriage now, what other civil practice or legal procedure will they claim must be dependent on them for execution and enforcement in the future?
How Sharia will the Supreme Court allow this country to be?