In the years of fighting leading up to Marriage Equality that was finally realized when Massachusetts legalized Same Sex Marriage in 2004 with the rest of the country catching up 11 years later, and with Vermont having previously recognized Domestic Partnerships and, when I was in Los Angeles where we were advocating for Domestic Partner recognition with the inclusion of straight people, who already could have common law ones, and any domestic relationship that did not involve sexual relations but shared expenses and caring for each other in what could be, in a sense, a union in everything but sex, a major insult to our humanity was our seeing fishing fleets, livestock, pets, any type of inanimate objects, including weapons of war being blessed while our long-term, committed relationships could not be.
Any committed relationship I was in was, in the eyes of the Church, not equal to a dog or a boat.
My humanity did not count.
Although it was considered equal to marriage, but with a different name, the fact that it had a different name constantly pointed toward a difference.
The name itself promoted inequality and a second class standing
It was “separate but equal” with the accompanying baggage.
It might not seem like much to those in places like Massachusetts where the Equality Act passed in 1989 and the legalization of Same Sex Marriage in 2004 so people under 40 have had their rights if not at birth, within their toddler-hood.
To those aware of the history of the past two millennia and have seen what it took to get to this place, it is a major step, albeit a small one, but one.
It’s a battle won but not a war concluded.
From this point on, those who want the next step need to work for it. We may know from social media it is something we want, so, it is our duty now to step up and make it happen.
The past has gotten us this far.