The Defense of Marriage Act basically forbade Gay people from living in committed relationships or face arrest, loss of job, social rejection etc. because of the religio-fascists’ claims we were incapable of forming them, and to ensure we could not have committed relationships they codified the ban on them with legislation.
“You cannot have what we will not let you have but will blame you for not having, using that to justify the denial.”
“Because the child would not eat, I never fed him. He starved himself to death.”
“I never play the lottery because I never win”.
We could not enter committed relationships because they made it impossible to and then blamed us for their creation.
The other big charge against Gay people is that we do not love America and are destroying it from within.
As part of the Gay Rights fight, although some thought it was not important while many did, the Gay Community fought for the right to lay down their lives for the Country by having to fight to be allowed to join the military. We had already been in the military since Van Steuben trained Washington’s troops, but could get punished and thrown out in spite a stellar career in it if, unlike the Straight troops whose goin’-a-whorin” was the stuff for swapped stories, a gay service member acted similarly according to orientation or for nothing at all other than having been reported on for unclear reasons.
The compromise was Don’t Ask/Don’ Tell which basically allowed Gay people to join the military but would be thrown out if their Gayness was revealed even if it were only to acknowledge its existence without ever exercising any action.
In the battle for the repeal of DOMA, along with the usual tropes about Gay people and the obvious rather boastful attitudes towards themselves as they argued that they would be too irresistible for gays to not uncontrollably attack them, the same argument they used regarding women in active duty, and this made them uncomfortable.
And something about Jesus.
The most out of touch argument that is being resurrected now by the religio-fascist to apply to anything good for Gays now that all their objections to Gay equality have failed is that Gays are anti-American and want to destroy this country.
Yet we had to fight them to allow us, if we so choose, to put our lives on the line for the very
country they claimed we hated, and they fought vehemently against us going so far as to make stuff up and try to pass them off as legitimate.
If we hated the country, why did we fight so hard to be able to help defend it?
Think about that when others claim they know our thoughts and motivations.
They make them up.