The fact that the GOP and their religious lampreys really do not know what “woke” actually means and their applying the term to things they demonstrably have no real knowledge of says more about themselves as it becomes clear that they really have no understanding of that of which they speak and that which they condemn.
In the 11th Century a pope, the only leader of Christianity until others saw there was money to be made if they could attract the right crowd into the pews that had, hithertofore, not been church-goers because of all the rules and fanciness, declared that cats were Satanic, resulting in a chain reaction that produced the Bubonic plague because for 100 years the people in Europe killed the cats who had been controlling the rats and with them gone, the rats multiplied like rabbits and increased the plague bearing flea population whose food supply had been greatly increased thanks to that religious leader.
Not really understanding their own model’s teaching, religious leaders and the supposed secular ruling class, many of whom never lived long enough to see the damage their opinion caused, went further basing religious teachings and secular laws on their opinion and their understanding of reality whether or not they did the research to see if they aligned.
This in our time has led to condemnations of candy, potato based toys, or any toy someone can think lewd thoughts about and then claim everyone thinks like that so no one should have certain toys.
The latest target is Legos which can basically be made into anything in a child’s mind or an engineer’s bout of ennui. They may come in a box with directions on constructing a specific thing like a Star Wars spacecraft, but over time these will join all the other blocks and extras and become part of something completely different than originally intended, yet still remain Legos.
The Fox Channel had just barely recovered from those earlier assaults on God’s divine plan when it came to M&Ms and potatoes when it found yet another attack, this time in the form of Legos that in the original packaging, the only time the pieces will look like what’s on the box when the directions are followed before the pieces joining the Great Collective, because the company has introduced characters with a range of identities and personality traits.
It could be one of those negative things about Socialism, but the Danish toy company introduced new characters that include characters with anxiety, are differently abled, and have Down Syndrome.
During the report on this national crisis, one of the Fox panelists showed he and others speak on topics of which they have no knowledge, attempting to connect this assault with their other new national crisis, Drag Queens, and, in the process, showed he had no idea what Drag, an art form where members of one gender DRESS UP like those of the opposite generally for performative purposes whether that be as in entertaining of other on stage or entertainment of self as walking into a room the right way and carrying off the persona for hours is a performance in itself, actually is about.
If Ambrose Bierce chooses to entertain as Rhonda Santus, he can only carry on the illusion if he remains dressed. I once saw a Drag Queen perform a very introspective song and while doing that acted out going to the dressing room, taking off the Drag, and then silently turning off the light as he walked out. It was a very powerful moment as his Drag persona was important while performing, but as himself in street clothes, he was of no consequence.
However, outside of this performance, Drag Queens do not sashay onto the stage glamorously dressed and remove clothing so the audience ends up looking at a naked guy or one in a G-String.
Yet the fox commentator who wanted to show he opposed “wokeness” and what comprised it attempted the connection by saying,
“What’s so fascinating about this story is the divide in the country. Republicans think it is insane that they are forcing identity politics into Legos. Democrats are upset they didn’t make a drag queen stripper.”
These two things to anyone who knows anything about Drag are mutually exclusive. A man (or woman in the case of the heretofore ignored Drag King), does not spend the time it takes to transform from Ambrose to Rhonda just to walk out on stage and take it all off.
I knew a Drag performer, “female impersonator” being the more socially “acceptable” term, who in his younger days in a conservative Christian town had the time of toned athletic body that allowed him to perform in the local strip clubs as a woman because he would only take off so much and get the audience hot by having them wanting the more they would never get because that one more removed article of clothing would have had a man standing on stage and he was a female impersonator.
His audiences never knew.
I remember when advocating for the addition of “sexual orientation“ and “gender identity” in a school district’s policies on bullying, harassment, and discrimination, while anything related to all other categories that students fell into were educational concerns and needs, when those that related to the Gay Students were brought up they were dismissed as political issues.
I was once accused during that advocacy of actually being a Straight person attempting to gain notoriety by advocating for a hot button issue I knew would get media attention because I neither looked nor acted Gay.
Dismissing something as merely political was an attempt to justify ignoring it, and the Fox personality who obviously has no idea what Drag is all about attempted to do just that by stating,
“The reason they force identity into toys is because they think identity comes with a built-in political orientation, and that’s what they’re after here. I’m not having it.”
Because just like with the Gay students, the existence and the needs of people who play with Legos who experience anxiety, are differently-abled, and/or have Down Syndrome are purely political and, therefore, should not be included in boxes of things that have yellow flat heads, claws for hands and, as some kid will ensure by proper block usage, multiple breasts.
Having a Lego figure that is blind is just a bridge too far.