When forming the Moral Majority, as he named it, Jerry Falwell needed a unifying target to use as an enemy bringing together historically divided and uncooperative religions. After all, he was around when that television show had Robert Culp becoming an alien looking creature through surgery and chemicals so all the Cold War countries would have to come together to fight a common enemy new to all of them so none would act no preconceived notions that could produce accepting bias.
It worked, and the world united.
The show was fiction, but the concept has been applied over the centuries by those seeking to gain or maintain power, and did so to a degree by finding a group little known by the locals and claim they were the enemy without actually explaining why, other than their strangeness and otherness
Falwell chose Homosexuals because, having been forced to live in the shadows, the greater society knew very little about them and accepted whatever information they might receive from those in positions of trust, like pastors.
Based solely on his credential as a man of the cloth, and the implicit trust of his flock, he used his position to create a new Robert Culp, carefully inventing “facts” while ignoring the real ones, and, like so many experts on Homosexuals, while defensively assuring the flock they do not hang with the Homos and would never go near their dens of depravity, was somehow able to speak with authority about who they were, how and why they behaved as they did, even if the behaviors were invented or exaggerated, and why, and this was the key, a key so strong it is still used, they are a threat to families especially the children in them.
In the fight for their Creator endowed rights, rather than present it as what it was, people getting the same rights that others already freely exercised without any cost to anyone, the idea was promoted that if the Homosexuals got the same rights you have, you somehow lose them.
As a threat to families, children, and everyone else’s untouched rights, the Gays became a good political wedge issue and from Reagan and the Moral Majority on, campaigns, local, state, and federal revolved around God, Guns, and Gays.
Part of the motivation to ban any positive information about Homosexuals is to keep those who know the facts, the Homosexuals themselves among them, from speaking the truth on the convenient misinformation so useful for those who need an enemy to justify their actions or face eternal punishment for not being basically nice.
Ron DeSantis wants adolescent females to tell total strangers their menstrual history, having children with two parents of the same sex be quiet about that in grade K-3 as if these parents don’t exist while sending the children the message those parents are less than those of the other students, decided the curriculum for African/American Studies, because it had mentioned the non-heterosexual people and their contributions to the country, had no educational value because there are no Gay Black people in his understanding of things, and wants to control all conversations about any sexual orientation beyond Heterosexual with books that deal with anything other than that being removed from schools, libraries, and classroom.
He has been ramping up his demonizing of the other, more often than not fixating on Trans students.
If he is to retain his MAGA position, Trump, seeing the threat DeSantis is, has entered into a competition of one-upmanship.
Trump may already support bans on gender-affirming care for minors, Transgender student athletes, and discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools, but so does De Santis.
Now, Trump, needing to surpass DeSantis has promised that, if elected president, he would issue a gag order on federal promotion of gender transition “at any age” and promote a law establishing that “the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth.”
He wants to ban anything necessary for Transgender ADULTS, when up to this point he and DeSantis just dealt with Trans Youth, thus racing ahead of Ron endangering the lives and health of all Trans people.
We have lost the alliteration now that it is God, Guns, and Trans.
They found in the 1980s, as Gays were making progress in getting their rights, that AIDS could be very useful in pushing the God’s Punishment” line so that those who were affected by ASIDS should just be let go as part of God’s plan because, if God was punishing the Hays why would any God-fearing person interfere with that.
Mass death was a simple solution to a created problem and each death was a proof of God’s judgment.
Now, forty years later since Transgender is somehow not the will of God, according to the religious right’s needed definition, and denying healthcare and other rights is the Lord’s work and they should just go away.
The ruse that all the anti-Trans talk and legislation is to protect children is shown to be what it truly is as Trump is now, and soon others will join in, going after all Trans adults without any connection in any way to children.
I was a kid when Christine Jorgenson came home and while watching the coverage on the television asked my father why she was on the news to which he matter of factly said she had gone to Europe a man and came back a woman because she thought she would like it better.
I experienced no trauma and my Boston Irish Catholic father had no problem being as matter of fact about things aas his limited knowledge allowed.
Trump’s overarching ban would prevent as many people as possible, specifically youth, from learning about or accessing medical care and could possibly force existing Transgender people to de-transition or cease their transition at whatever stage they are by denying them treatment. And there is the added bonus that only those imagining the threat are capable of protecting the gullible from it and turning citizens against their Transgender neighbors, friends, and family members because the far right and the MAGA world will equate with Mental illness, an affront to religion, and a threat to children.
As can be imagined, Marjorie Taylor Greene is “so happy that President Trump has taken this issue up,” and has proposed her own legislation, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which would restrict gender-affirming care, including puberty blockers and hormone therapies, for individuals under 18 years old when Hormone blockers would obviously too late.
“It’s not about anyone’s chosen sexuality or what adults choose to do with their bodies. It’s just about protecting kids and letting them grow up before they make permanent changes”, the changes it will be too late to guide as oppose undo.
Along with anyone performing certain procedures being charged with a Class C felony, MTG’s bill would also prohibit federal funds bei8ng used for gender-affirming care and revoke accreditation for higher education institutions that teach gender-affirming care, like medical schools.
She has 46 Republican co-sponsors.
To show his commitment to save America from the Trans Community, Trump has also pledged he would investigate if Big Pharma or others have illegally marketed hormones and puberty blockers and if hospitals had “covered up horrific long term side effects of sex transitions in order to get rich.”
Fear of an invented or non-treat works best if you add a secret conspiracy.