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I think it is somewhat ethical if a person finds that friends, family, associates, work, any number of daily interactions become part of a person’s personal therapy, but only if they are asked or at least informed that is their role as they should have the option as to whether or not they assume it.

What would be unethical would be using people as therapy without their knowledge so their interactions with the person in need of therapy have layers of which they are unaware but to whose affects they are held responsible to a degree.

They may cleverly hide this misuse of friends, but its affects are there even if unexplainable by the uninformed therapy.

I was once in a chorus where the new musical director, who came with great credentials began after a while to become too intense in his choice of music and his requirements both at rehearsal and in performance with the sudden shift to those beginning shortly after the first chorus performance under his leadership.

Eventually it became clear that after the dissolution of his relationship with his significant other who was the director of the chorus from which our new director came, mainly because his significant other did not respect his musical taste and often put him down embarrassingly in front of that chorus, his choice of difficult music was to show he could conduct a chorus singing it while the passed-on gossip from members of his former chorus to our director about the ex’s predictions of his future failings often dictated which one-upmanship pieces we would be doing in performance.  

The chorus had become his therapy and we were losing our spirit.

We declined to continue in that role. He was replaced and we sang music to sing music once again.

Governor DeSantis has a hang up with the idea of Transgender people but clearly not really with them or the facts about them as he refuses to learn. He may even know the truth, but Trans people are his convenient scare tactic.

He first began by ignoring reality claiming he was keeping children safe by making it against state education policy for a teacher in grades one through three who may be in a same sex marriage from mentioning it and for a teacher to deal with same sex couples even if the child of one such couple is in the classroom and might naturally speak of family.

In grade two one student asking another his mother’s name might find the other student has two fathers and will have some follow up questions that must be brushed aside at all costs.

DeSantis has this whole thing about Trans girls playing on the appropriate team because as “former boys” the fragile girls must be protected from the superior male, while nothing is said about the inferior “former girl” being any form of threat to the superior boys.

Now Desantis has moved to a new level of working out his hang up by using the state and the gullibility of its citizens as his therapy.

The DeSantis Florida Board of Education unanimously passed a strict mandate that not only prevents transgender youth from freely using bathrooms that match their gender, but also requires public and charter schools that recognize the reality of being Trans and respect the students as the people they are to notify all parents of their policies that allow Trans students to use gender-appropriate bathrooms and locker rooms by mail and by posting them on their official websites.

These mailings and postings must include which facilities are and are not separated for use according to “biological sex at birth” and the “student supervision” measures implemented in locker rooms.

Schools that have inclusive policies must now designate to which restrooms and other school areas admission is limited by biological sex at birth. They must specify spaces from which Trans students are excluded.

It is standard procedure that all books in a school library are accessible to parents including hardcopy books, ebooks, periodicals, and videos, but Florida’s new rule also includes teachers’ individual classroom collections.

I had books on a shelf behind my desk that were available to all students and, if they were in the room for a legitimate reason, the parents too. Having people going through books in my classroom and removing some with which they did not agree hours after the school was closed for the day was another thing entirely.  

Teachers of students from Kindergarten to third grade face having their teaching certificate revoked in addition to other non-enumerated penalties if they deal with gender identity with their students in spite of the reality of some students in the room. There are, after all, parent teacher nights and other parent student events where even kids in K-3 can see classmates’ parents and notice differences they may ask about in school.

Added to this is the vagueness of the law which leaves words like “discuss” open to interpretation with actions based on individual and uneven application.

This is part of Governor Ron’s war on “woke indoctrination” and any indication that it’s okay for young people to be Trans.

It is his obsession and one of his enablers is his Board of Education.





