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his Christianity is what bothers them

During Pete Buttigieg’s first visit to Iowa, a “Christian” protester yelled, “Remember Sodom and Gomorrah,” because Mayor Pete is a devout Christian who happens to be Gay.

Unlike Trump who traditionally insults hecklers, Buttigieg calmly replied,

“The good news is, the condition of my soul is in the hands of God, but the Iowa caucuses are up to you.”

At another event, a second heckler yelled, “You betray your baptism!”

Calmly, again, Buttigieg responded with,

 “Coffee after church gets a little rowdy sometimes.

We’re so dug in, in such passionate ways, and I respect that, too. That gentleman believes that what he is doing is in line with the will of the creator. I view it differently. We ought to be able to view it differently and never question one another’s right to be an American.”

As he makes his way around Iowa, Buttigieg is being followed by religious protesters whose grasp of Biblical reality is a little weak.
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As far as referencing Sodom and Gomorrah, regardless of the interpretation of many pastors that that Biblical story is about the city having been destroyed because of homosexual activity in spite of Lot offering his daughters up to the supposed homosexual crowd so they could rape them, the best interpreter of the Bible is the Bible itself.

What was the sin of Sodom according to the bible?

According to Ezekiel 16:49, “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.”

If you compare Buttigieg to Trump, while Buttigieg is not guilty of it, Trump is the one attempting to reduce, if not eliminate social safety nets, undo healthcare, reduce benefits to those who need monetary assistance, and deny asylum to those seeking it by his actions and his words that describe these people as animals, vermins, rapists, and criminals.

As far as betraying his baptism, Trump has not paid those who have done work for him in his “vineyards”, is heavily involved in non-Biblical gambling with his casino temples of sin, has been divorced twice, married thrice, and had committed adultery with future wives while still married to their predecessors.

It appears the biggest problem the religious conservatives have with Mayor Pete is that he may be reminding people of the true Christians that the ones who gave up Christianity for politics have gotten the rest of us to forget exist.



It’s Muellermas Day

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Some churches aren’t all that important

Recently, between March 26 and April 4, three Black churches in Louisiana, St. Mary Baptist Church, Greater Union Baptist, and Mount Pleasant Baptist, all from the same parish, were set on fire by an arsonist.

Three churches in 10 days.

Little has been said about the suspect in custody, a 21-year-old White man.

Neither Trump nor Pence had anything to say or tweet about it.

Black churches, no Muslim involved, silence

As Notre Dame was burning, Trump made some useless suggestions on fighting the fire, tweeting,

“So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!”
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And then on his way to a meeting he stated,

“The fire that they’re having at the Notre Dame Cathedral is something like few people have witnessed. It was burning at a level that you rarely see a fire burn. It’s one of the great treasures of the world. It might be greater than almost any museum in the world and it’s burning very badly. Looks like its burning to the ground. … I’ve been there and I’ve seen it … There’s no cathedral in the world like it.”

The people who lost their homes and towns in California may argue with his characteristic hyperbole, “It was burning at a level that you rarely see a fire burn.”

Mike Pence tweeted,

“Notre Dame is an iconic symbol of faith to people all over the world – and it is heartbreaking to see a house of God in flames. Our thoughts and prayers are with the firefighters on the scene and all the people of Paris.”

Not so heartbreaking for the Louisiana churches which were also houses of God in flames, though.

It would be one thing if these two had expressed anything about the three churches and the possible motives for their being burned and then made sure they were registered among those heads of state expressing their feelings about Notre Dame, but neither did.

DADT is back with a new target

During World War II, more than 1 million African Americans served in the armed forces, but the U.S. military was still heavily segregated.

The Air Force instituted the Tuskegee Airmen, an all Black flight squadron, and when the Marines finally accepted Blacks in its ranks, Black recruits were not allowed in Camp Lejeune unless accompanied by a White Marine and were housed at nearby Montfort Point, their service papers were stamped “Colored”, and the recruits were assigned to inactive duty in the Marine Corps Reserve. The army had only five African-American officers. The Black soldiers in the war were largely limited to noncombat units, and they had to sometimes give up their seats in trains to the Nazi prisoners of war.

It would take over 50 years and a presidential order before the U.S. Army reviewed their records in order to award any Medals of Honor to Black soldiers.

Black soldiers had to wait four years before they could begin combat training while Whites would begin training within months of being qualified.

In 1947, A. Philip Randolph and Grant Reynolds formed the Committee Against Jim Crow in Military Service and Training, later renamed the League for Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Against Military Segregation. Black threats to boycott the segregated armed forces could not be ignored, and civil rights demands had to be considered in developing laws relating to Selective Service and Universal Military Training.

In 1948,Harry Truman issued Executive Order 8802 establishing equality of treatment and opportunity in the military for people of all races, religions, or national origins.

“It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin. This policy shall be put into effect as rapidly as possible, having due regard to the time required to effectuate any necessary changes without impairing efficiency or morale.”

The order also established a committee to investigate and make recommendations to the civilian leadership of the military to implement the policy.

Until the end of WWII women could serve in the military, but only in non-combat roles. Having active duty only came about in the 1970s with reluctance to have them do any actual fighting.

In 1990, some 40,000 American military women were deployed during the Gulf War, Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, but not in combat. A 1994 policy prohibited women from assignment to ground combat units below the brigade level.

It was only in 2013 that the US ended the policy of “no women in units that are tasked with direct combat.”

Policies based on sexual orientation appeared as the United States prepared to enter World War II when the military added psychiatric screening to its induction process. Homosexuality was included as a disqualifying trait. In 1942, the military distinguished “homosexual” recruits from “normal” recruits for the first time. In 1944, a new policy decreed that homosexuals were to be committed to military hospitals, examined by psychiatrists, and discharged under Regulation 615-360, section 8.

This was further modified in 1947 when the “blue discharges” were discontinued and two new classifications were created: “general” and “undesirable”under which a serviceman or woman found to be Gay, but who had not committed any sexual acts while in service, would tend to receive an undesirable discharge.

This regulation is familiar to those who have watched Corporal Clinger on the television show M.A.S.H.

The 1957 Crittenden Report dismissed the charge that homosexuals constitute a security risk, but it still advocated for stringent anti-homosexual policies because “Homosexuality is wrong, it is evil, and it is to be branded as such.”

However, from the 1950s through the Vietnam War, when personnel shortages occurred, homosexuals were allowed to serve and possibly die, but otherwise they were too sinful to serve.

In 1982 the Department of Defense solidified its previous objections to an integrated military and women serving when it issued a policy stating that, “Homosexuality is incompatible with military service”, and the military needed “to maintain discipline, good order, and morale” and “to prevent breaches of security”.

This excuse had just moved along as needed from one group to another and was applied by those of the old guard any time prejudice needed to be overcome and they did not want to move.

In 1992, when lifting the ban on Gays and Lesbians in the military, General Carl Mundy Junior, Commandant of the Marine Corps, praised a paper authored by a Marine Corps chaplain that said that “In the unique, intensely close environment of the military, homosexual conduct can threaten the lives, including the physical and psychological well-being of others”.

A Navy spokesman expressed the opposition of many in the military at the time when he said, “Homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous” and that in shared shower situations, heterosexuals would have an “uncomfortable feeling of someone watching”.

This was the genesis of the narcissistic argument that straight soldiers would not be safe in the showers because, being so masculine and handsome, Gay soldiers would not be able to resist preying on them. This would later become the bathroom objection to Transgender rights.

Eventually a National Defense Research Institute study for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy: Options and Assessment, concluded that “circumstances could exist under which the ban on homosexuals could be lifted with little or no adverse consequences for recruitment and retention”, and Gregory M. Herek, associate research psychologist and an authority on public attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, testified before the House Armed Services Committee that “The research data show that there is nothing about lesbians and gay men that makes them inherently unfit for military service, and there is nothing about heterosexuals that makes them inherently unable to work and live with gay people in close quarters. The assumption that heterosexuals cannot overcome their prejudices toward gay people is a mistaken one.”

In light of continued opposition to lifting the ban on Gays in the military, the Clinton Administration issued Defense Directive 1304.26, on December 21, 1993 which directed that military applicants were not to be asked about their sexual orientation, and Gays could be discharged if they mentioned their orientation or were found to have acted on it.

This began the time of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”.

“Don’t Ask” mandated that military or appointed officials would not ask about or require members to reveal their sexual orientation; “Don’t Tell” stated that a member may be discharged for claiming to be a homosexual or bisexual or making a statement indicating a tendency towards or intent to engage in homosexual activities; and the third, often ignored part, “Don’t Pursue”, established what was minimally required for an investigation to be initiated.

Again, as with integration of troops and women before them, it was accepted that, in spite of being wrong when it came to them, this time the claim would stick if applied to Gays and it was decided that homosexuality was incompatible with military service.
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With other countries having no problem with Gays in their military and with society basically growing up and seeing many anti-Gay tropes were just expressed bigotry, the underlying justifications for DADT began facing increasing suspicion and outright rejection by the early 21st century. Surveys of U.S. military personnel, and studies conducted by the Department of Defense showed that the presence of open homosexuals within the military would not be detrimental at all to the armed forces.

On November 30, 2010, the Joint Chiefs of Staff released the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Comprehensive Review Working Group (CRWG) outlining a path to the implementation of repeal of DADT. It indicated that there was a low risk of service disruptions due to repealing the ban, and included the results of a survey of 115,000 active-duty and reserve service members in which only 30% thought that integrating Gays into the military would have negative consequences, while 69% of all those surveyed believed they had already worked with a Gay or Lesbian service member and of those, 92^% reported that the impact of that person’s presence was positive or neutral.

In spite of the opposition from hangers on of incorrect, out of date, and non-reality, non-experiential based claims, Don’t ask/Don’t Tell died on September 20, 2011.

And that should have been it.


Based on no evidence and having had no incidents that would have made in necessary,  three years after the Obama administration told Transgender individuals they could serve openly and have access to gender-affirming medical and psychological care, Trump has reversed that and has begun to implement a version of “don’t ask, don’t tell” for trans service members that, while allowing currently serving transgender individuals who have already received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria to continue to serve in their actual gender, those with gender dysphoria who are taking hormones or have already undergone a gender transition will not be allowed to enlist.

Gender dysphoria is the distress a person experiences as a result of the sex and gender they were assigned at birth as it does not match the person’s gender identity. It does not simply have psychological causes, but may also have biological causes.

Any currently serving troops diagnosed with gender dysphoria after April 12, 2019, will have to serve in their sex as assigned at birth and will be barred from taking hormones or getting gender-affirming surgery.

Trump’s initial call for the ban came by way of a tweet two years ago that caught the Pentagon off-guard and essentially forced the Defense Department to implement the ban.

He explained his action with this bit of confused reasoning,

“I have great respect for the community. I think I have great support — or I’ve had great support from that community. I got a lot of votes. But the transgender — the military is working on it now. They’re doing the work. It’s been a very difficult situation. And I think I’m doing a lot of people a favor by coming out and just saying it. As you know, it’s been a very complicated issue for the military. It’s been a very confusing issue for the military. And I think I’m doing the military a great favor.”

It actually wasn’t “a very complicated issue for the military”.

When questioned last October about his campaign promise to protect transgender people and his redefining gender, he responded,

“We’re looking at it. We have a lot of different concepts right now. They have a lot of different things happening with respect to transgender right now. You know that as well as I do, and we’re looking at it very seriously.”

He went on to say,

 “You know what I’m doing? I’m protecting everybody. I want to protect our country.”

Who and from what?

In his initial announcement, Trump referred to those people he claims he has spoken with, although the ones he should have spoken with were taken by surprise, and he got very close to the traditional combat ready and unit cohesion objections to “others”.

“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you,”

According to the AMA,

“The only thing deficient is any medical science behind this decision. The AMA has said repeatedly that there is no medically valid reason — including a diagnosis of gender dysphoria — to exclude transgender individuals from military service. Transgender service members should, as is the case with all personnel, receive the medical care they need. There is a global medical consensus about the efficacy of transgender health care, including treatment for gender dysphoria.”

We now have the new Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell as the Pentagon has claimed the new policy doesn’t actually ban transgender people as long as they simply pretend they’re not Trans.





Trump began young

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the work speaks for itself

The “job” of an artist, whether visual, audio, performing or written, is to present something that makes people think. Although two people may read the same book or poem, watch the same play, or view the same picture at the same moment, because of their own life experiences, attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions, they may not walk away from the experience with the same results. Where one cries, the other may laugh. Where one sees something horrible the other may not. Where one sees a theme, or gets the point, the other may not.

The artist never tells the audience what their work means as that leaves only one meaning, and this could lose people who might have appreciated the work had they been able to arrive at their on meaning depending on what in the work “spoke” to them.

A poet will never tell you what the poem means, but will ask what the reader thinks it means.

If the audience totally misses any meaning, or cannot see the point of the work, that person should simply walk away without asking the artist to modify the work so the audience can understand the assumed single meaning.

To do so would force one viewer’s interpretation onto everyone while suppressing theirs.

In a recent blog I addressed the cheers Trump had received from the conservative Jewish group to whom he spoke in Las Vegas when he claimed the Central Americans seeking asylum is a scam and they should be sent back, drawing attention to the sad similarities of people in the 30s and the events of the S.S. St Louis in 1939. That a group of American Jews, regardless of their political affiliation, would support similar treatment toward the asylum seekers struck me as horrendous.

My intention was to provoke thought on this issue.

However, when I posted my blog on a national website, as I often do with blogs from my page, out of the 31 comments, rather than discuss the actual topic, half of the comments totally ignored the disturbing issue and fixated on one detail in the accompanying cartoon.

There was much discussion about what the character on the dock was wearing, and even though some stated that their interpretation of the cartoon could have two meanings depending on how the head covering was interpreted, something that is exactly what a political cartoon is supposed to do, many of the comments demanded I “clarify” as to which interpretation was the correct one, modify the cartoon so they would not have to think, or remove it as there obviously was no single meaning.

I did not feed the trolls but responded to a direct message on that site asking me to read the comments, I had, and take the appropriate steps of either modifying or removing the cartoon, replying that the picture was open to interpretation and is as it is.

Popular Science ended the comments section after articles because “Uncivil comments not only polarized readers, but they often changed a participant’s interpretation of the news story itself”.

They found through an experiment that even a fractious minority wields enough power to skew a reader’s perception of a story, and I refused to enter an unnecessary back and forth between blogger and commenter which I have seen in other outlets lead to distraction from the message, usurpation of the blogger’s original intent by someone who does not offer their own writings but leeches on to that of others, or degenerates into personal attacks from the commenter on the blogger.

As Popular Science had found when it decided to end the comment section after articles, such “discussions” drive potential readers away from what they otherwise would have learned from, or end up discussing not the content of an article, but the opinion of the distracting commenter.

Often this is because someone, rather than present a cogent opinion on a topic, would rather it not be dealt with and drives others from an exchange of ideas.

Remembering the issue was who was applauding Trump’s comments on asylum seekers, a topic that about half the commenters dealt with, these are the comments of the thread that showed that others got lost on a detail, assumed a political cartoon is a faithful representation of events, much as a photograph is, demanded the cartoon be redrawn to their specifications or it be removed, and did everything possible to avoid the issue even if the comment acknowledged what the topic was:

“I couldn’t help but notice that you drew the character on the dock saying “SORRY. NO!” as Jewish (as this person is wearing a kippah), and I’m guessing you did this in reaction to the shameful behavior of the Jews at the Republican Jewish Coalition gathering recently, with regards to their exuberant reaction to Twitler’s heartless comments about asylum seekers.  And so I felt compelled to point out, that this is FAR from representative of all Jews.”

“Here- this is a more genuine Jewish stance…

Reposted tweet: Rabbi Jill Zimmerman:I have no words for my sadness to see a clip of trump mocking #AsylumSeekers in front of the Republican Jewish Coaltion, while they laughed. Only tears. They need to all go back to Hebrew school to relearn Jewish values of embracing the stranger. Pre-Passover no less”

Then the train went off the rails.

  • “This is an excellent observation, Sandra.  Hard to tell what the symbolism is of the garb of the young boy on the dock.  Perhaps the diarist might find a different old cartoon?
  • “It isn’t an old cartoon, and the diarist didn’t “find” it- he drew it himself, recently. So, Mr. Quigley- I’d like to request that your re-draw your cartoon, making that guy on the dock not be Jewish (and I’ll make you a deal: if you update this diary with a revised drawing, then I’ll rec & tip this diary).”
  • “I think it’s a cap, not a kippah — there seems to be a visor, though it’s faint and small.”
  • “That could be a cap, but I’m skeptical (I think what you’re seeing as a visor, is just his hair).  And the hair in front of his ear, looks a lot like a peyes to me…”
  • “No, I think the visor is the part sticking up — it matches the angle of the cap or kippah or whatever. Of course I can imagine it as a MAGA cap.”
  • “What would really be helpful here, would be for the diarist himself to speak up, and clarify as to what identity he intended for that character to be- but the diarist evidently is “AWOL” (oh well…)”
  • “You’re right, that should be clarified- but since this diarist has 49 tip jars out of the past 50 comments, probably not likely to happen.
  • “I’ve decided that I’m going to give him one more day, and if he still doesn’t respond to these comments, then I’ll send him a kosmail message (but I’m still not very optimistic that he’ll respond even after that- I think your assessment of him is probably correct…)”
  • “I took it for a kippah, too, which was puzzling, I thought I’d missed part of the story. It could be a beanie, I don’t know which time period those were from, but it would be considerably less ambiguous if it was re-drawn.”
  • “That was my first thought, too—a cap not a kippah/yarmulke—though I agree w/ those who just see hair in front instead of a visor. The main driver for my take was that it appeared to be striped and while I’ll admit that what I think I know about Judaism wouldn’t come close to filling a kippah, I’ve never seen a striped one (although a quick Google-search suggests to me it’s more possible than I’d thought). Since the newcomers are on the S.S. St. Louis, I assumed the cartoon to be from the 1930s or, since being informed its current, that it’s intended to be set in the 1930s. I can (and do) interpret the cartoon two ways for it to convey what I believe the diarist intends, as evidenced by their accompanying text. The male on the dock (I can’t decide if I think it’s a boy or a man) is rejecting those on the ship and either A) is NOT Jewish himself and represents the broad 1930s (white, anti-Semitic) American public or B2) IS Jewish himself and represents the current attitudes of (Russian) Agent Orange and his supporters and enablers, including those of the Republican Jewish Coalition. [On review of this whole comment, I had another fairly-terrible thought. Surely, it’s not a striped kippa—fabricated from the infamous garb worn by those imprisoned at concentration/extermination camps (which would have occurred mostly after the rejection of the S.S. St. Louis)—and worn by a current-day Republican Jewish Coalition member (cartoon-magically) transported back in time to be able to turn back his own kind!? While this one is much worse, to me, either of the options that assume the rejecter-character is Jewish, turning away (thus dooming) other Jews, is a little too close to the “Jews-killed-Jesus” crap that anti-Semites have pedaled for centuries, for my comfort.]”

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  • While I appreciate the diarist/cartoonist’s message and technical execution of the drawing, it’s clearly too unclear if it needs this much exertion to interpret properly. I agree that Joe Quigley would do himself and the rest of us a real favor to provide a revised cartoon or more explanation for this one.”
  • “Hey Joe, who’s that kid that you drew on the dock?  What’s he wearing on his head?  Is he supposed to be Jewish?  I suspect that this is a cartoon you drew in connection with Trump’s crazy-ass speech before that Jewish Republican group that drew cheers.  If so, the cartoon kind of makes sense.  But the cartoon doesn’t fit with this diary.  Indeed, it wrongly suggests that Jews were somehow responsible for crime of the rejection of the St. Louis.  You should delete it.  Alternatively, site admins should do something about the appearance of this diary in the community spotlight section at least until the cartoon is replaced with something more apt.”
  • “I’m going to leave my recommendation of the diary intact, but make it clear here that I’m recommending the text only and NOT the (hopefully, original) illustrative cartoon. FWIW, I’ve been to the Holocaust Museums in DC, Houston, Alburqurque , and St, Louis: found them all excellent in their own ways; and heartily recommend each of them (and look forward to seeing others, as possible).”


Not the topic.





on veils

1 Corinthians 11:6

New American Standard Bible:
For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head.

King James Bible
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1 Corinthians 11:7

A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.

In the Quran there is no such requirement except that of dressing modestly.


Pope Grampa


There are a number of problems with having two popes, one retired and the other active. The retired one may forget he is no longer relevant and he no longer speaks for the church.

It is clear to most people that human sexual predators, like animal predators, seek out the weak, or those more easily available. They do not hunt and chase if their prey is supplied.

Because of the male-centric structure of the Catholic Church, boys were, and still are, convenient prey, while in other churches where women have a presence more so than in the Catholic Church, the victims are more mixed.

Celibacy might have been more bearable when people died of old age in their forties, but we live longer now, and that makes it a bit more difficult.

Pope Benedict XVI, who retired in 2013 (Did he have to give up the Holy Spirit or does he share it with Pope Francis), recently published a letter blaming the continuing Catholic clergy abuse crisis on the sexual revolution, developments in theology following the Second Vatican Council, and society’s aversion to speaking about God.

Yeah, because no abuse took place prior to the 1960s.

And since they get blamed by religious people for floods, tornadoes, wild fires, earthquakes, and straight people’s divorces, Benedict also claimed, with nothing to back the claim,  that “homosexual cliques” once existed in seminaries, which he said “acted more or less openly and significantly changed the climate in the seminaries.”

The one thing he did offer as proof of this was a seminary in southern Germany where aspiring priests lived with candidates for the lay ministry, some of whom were married or had girlfriends.

And here’s what initiated those cliques.

“At the common meals, seminarians and pastoral specialists ate together, the married among the laymen sometimes accompanied by their wives and children, and on occasion by their girlfriends.”

That’s it?

He does not address structural issues that abetted abuse cover-ups when Benedict was himself head of the Vatican’s powerful doctrinal office for 24-years.

His causes of this modern day problem include societal “mental collapse” brought on by the protests of 1968 and the unsupported and hysterical claim that the sexual revolution declared pedophilia to be “allowed and appropriate”, which is so far outside the truth.

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 “Among the freedoms that the Revolution of 1968 sought to fight for was … all-out sexual freedom, one which no longer conceded any norms.”

When I read this line,

“The mental collapse was also linked to a propensity for violence. That is why sex films were no longer allowed on airplanes because violence would break out among the small community of passengers.”

I googled “sex films no longer allowed on airplanes” and got a series of links to porno films set on airplanes.

Watched one.

Thanks, Benedict.

The letter was released less than two months after Pope Francis hosted a first-of-its-kind summit in February on clergy abuse with heads of the world’s Catholic bishops’ conferences and leaders of religious orders which he opened by stating its purpose was for the Catholic Church to establish new “concrete and effective measures” to confront clergy sexual abuse.

Regardless what was discussed or decided, Benedict’s letter asked,

“Why did pedophilia reach such proportions? Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God.”

Creepy priests and a structure that hid them, protected them, and just moved them to other parishes with nothing said as to why they were transferred or without any steps to prevent further abuse are off the hook, and, apparently, a petulant God showed us a thing or two for not giving Him the societal spotlight by letting his employees rape and molest children.

Bring back the medieval church, the above the law immunity, the lack of accountability to its members, the good ol’ days of secrecy with the mass in Latin with the priest’s back turned, and molestation without limits.

Oh, and the funny hats, glorious robes, and, for the pope, Egyptian fans and the Roman style litter chair.

Or, Get off my lawn!

I  wonder if there are those occasions he suddenly finds himself standing under the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica and wonders why he went in there.