His job?

Many school districts would rather stay with misconceptions about Transgender students rather than learn the facts – a rather odd attitude for those whose job is education. This results not only in not understanding their students who by law must attend school every day, but not accepting the realities of what is a Transgender student’s life. This choice not to learn is perfectly illustrated by Betsy DeVoss’s undoing the relevant guidelines put in place by the Obama Administration.

Of course not allowing Transgender students to use the bathroom that coincides with their true gender is supported by the same false argument applied to all restrooms, that of protecting other students from being prey to the opposite sex using a claim of false gender identity to go into the wrong lavatory.

The interesting thing is that the self appointed guardians of virtue are the only ones entering the wrong restrooms as they claim they are assuring that only those who are of the gender designated on the door actually go into the restroom, and to do this, ironically, they become the stalkers. While people go into the restroom for the appropriate reason, whether they are Trans or cis-gender, they face someone watching and peeking at them to check things out.

It justifies Peeping -Tommery often in the name of religion or “traditional values”.

An assistant principal at a West Virginia high school, Lee Livengood, followed a 15 year old Transgender student, Michael Critchfield, into a school lavatory and told him he shouldn’t be there.

He told him to “come out here and use the urinal”.

“If you can’t use this urinal, then you shouldn’t be in here. What if a student said you were checking them out in here?”

Wasn’t that exactly what the assistant principal had done especially as he intended to watch the kid pee?

Although the school apologized for the incident, it took no further action.

The family sought help from the ACLU of West Virginia which sent a letter, but still the school did nothing.

The story went public, and finally, after two months the assistant principal was suspended with pay for four days.

Certainly if the student had gone into the wrong restroom for some inappropriate voyeurism, the punishment would have been swift and severe. This was a case of an adult in authority telling a student to pee while he watched and the punishment was weak and only came after  two months and taking the ACLU stepping in.
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Harrison County Superintendent Mark Manchin, explained,

 “I was able to confirm the interaction with Mr. Livengood and that indeed he acted inappropriately. We need to address it and we will address it.”

As far as the assistant principal, the superintendent said,

 “He understood the severity, that it’s a hot button issue, how we need to handle this, he was aware, and unfortunately we didn’t handle it well.”

The boy’s parents want better training and policies on GLBT issues, and real disciplinary action against Livengood.

The superintendent has dismissed the need for either by stating,

 “I am very proud of our principals and our teachers who recognize those differences and understand that we have to embrace them and work with all students regardless of their race, creed, color, sexual orientation or anything like that.”
He insisted that he thinks what was done was enough because the school has several transgender students and this is the first incident of its kind that he knows about.

Obviously what the school has been doing is not enough, or the assistant principal failed miserably in following the rules, if it was an error in judgment, and not a willful act justified by something outside of the policy.

But it was an incident that happened, and it might not be isolated, and without being properly addressed repeats are possible.

The problem seems to be more with the self-appointed bathroom police and not the bathroom user.



Best Christmas

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The other kid

Okay I get it.

It is the Christmas season so stories and video clips of warm and fuzzy moments fit right in.

I have no problem with the videos of little acts of kindness like a kid helping some old person, or kids giving cookies to the trash man.  When I was a kid I was taught to give up a seat on the bus or the subway to an older person, especially a woman, so to me, when someone does that, it really isn’t news worthy, but, I guess for some reason it is now.

The ones that really annoy me and strike me as unwittingly cruel are the ones where children open up a huge wrapped box and their military parents pop out.

Great for that little kid, and it certainly helps convince those of us watching that war is a happy thing and something we should support without having to see the brutality of it.

The parent jumps up, the kid squeals, and we all let out a communal “Awwwwwww”. We feel warm and fuzzy, and the war goes on without us questioning why this jumping person was deployed to begin with.
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High school students have always had the wars in the Middle East as a regular part of their lives and probably believe it is part of the fabric of the country.

We “support” the troops because it makes us feel patriotic, and we love to call them heroes until they come home and we have to deal with any damage, physical or mental, that we did not see them getting.

We clap for anyone in camo-fatigues who gets on a bus or a plane, we intone “thank you for your service” when someone mentions they are a veteran with the same knee-jerk reaction we have when we bless someone after they sneeze, but the homeless or mentally ill veteran we encounter on the street is just some crazy homeless guy.

When this war generation began in the early 2000s, we were not allowed to see the dead returning on the news by official decree. Our understanding of the price of a questionable war was sanitized. We got to see the box-jumping happy pictures, however,

It has remained the same.

So, I will give people the pass to enjoy the kid in pajamas who jumps with joy provided each time they show one of these and the news anchor coos for all of us, people also think of the kid whose experience is not that.

Tale of two foundations

When he was running for president, Trump suggested that the Clinton Foundation was a pay-to-play front where Hillary and Bill Clinton traded government access and favors for money.

“It’s impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins. It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office. They sold access and specific actions by and to them for money.”

Bill Clinton’s response was,

“We’re trying to do good things. If there’s something wrong with creating jobs and saving lives, I don’t know what it is. The people who gave the money knew exactly what they were doing. I have nothing to say about it except that I’m really proud.”

Looking into the Clinton Foundation showed that in spite of Trump’s claims, the Clintons don’t directly profit from the foundation, and, as tax documents show, neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton draws a salary from it.

The foundation is a collection of nine different initiatives each focused on achieving a different public policy goal.

It has helped lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medication through its Health Access Initiatives, and addresses climate change, improves education in Haiti, and holds an annual conference that gathers heads of state, world leaders and celebrities to New York City to make philanthropic pledges.

According to its website, the foundation believes “that the best way to unlock human potential is through the power of creative collaboration. That’s why we build partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments and individuals everywhere to work faster, leaner and better.”

One independent philanthropy watchdog concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

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There is still about $1.75 million in remaining cash that will be distributed to non-profits approved by the state attorney general.

Foundation assets include physical possessions like two paintings of Trump himself which he purchased using $42,000 of foundation money.

According to New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood,

“Under the terms, the Trump Foundation can only dissolve under judicial supervision – and it can only distribute its remaining charitable assets to reputable organizations approved by my office.”

The president and his three eldest children, who served as members of the foundation’s board, repeatedly used charitable donations for personal, political and business gains, including legal settlements, campaign contributions and even to purchase that portrait.

Underwood said that all this “amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”

The lawsuit prohibits Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. from serving on the boards of any charities for the next 10 years.

An attorney for the president has argued that the case is politically motivated, an argument the judge rejected as recently as last month.



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The cup of tea

My mother had a tradition, ritual, habit, practice, that when the evening meal was over and my father would go watch the evening news and we kids went to do homework, she would sit quietly at the table enjoying a peaceful cup of tea.

As we grew older and left the nest, when we visited we would occasionally sit at the table and fill her in on the details of our lives that did not come up during the supper conversation.

When I moved across the country to California I made every effort to get home for Christmas.

The after supper tea conversations were a good time to catch up. I was involved in Union and Gay rights work, had met many people, had become involved in a lot of activities, and had acquired a degree of “fame” as a cartoonist, and my mother was eager to hear about it all.

While I joke that I ended up in Oklahoma as the result of a series of errors in judgment, she had a quiet unspoken mother’s understanding of what that meant, and as time went on and my advocacy for GLBT students became more involved, having read my emails about it, articles about it, pro and con, on the online version of the local newspapers, and reports on the local GLBT online news site, it was during those cups of tea that she would ask questions that required more detailed answers and offer the needed encouragement.

As things in Oklahoma City were coming to a head, and just before all the legal actions, My mother told me over a cup of tea that she and my father would love for me to move back close to home, but as they both realized that what I was doing was important, if not for me, but for the students whose lives would be made better, they had accepted it was best if I stayed and finished the work. She informed me that if they got their wish, it would mean all progress would stop, and this could mean any good I was accomplishing would end, with someone else having to begin the work over again at a later date, if at all. My mother told me as we finished the cup of tea that she and my father did not want their desire to be the reason that the good that could be done wasn’t. Playing that role would result in regret not only for me, but them as well.

She then, in a serious voice told me she and my father were willing to accept that it was best that I stay and finish what I was doing.

I had arranged to be home for Christmas in 2008. I had bought the plane ticket and had scheduled my flight for the last day of class before the Christmas break, but, what should have been a happy time, what with the break, the holidays, and being with family, was marred by a letter from my principal informing me I had to be at a meeting in her office to which I could bring a union representative and at which I was to receive a Plan of Improvement based on dereliction of duty and unprofessional conduct.

Eventually this became the first step in the process of having me dismissed, a plan that was later to be revealed in court to have been a contrived excuse to eliminate the Gay man advocating for GLBT students and, thereby, kill the message. Overtime, the actions of the school administration was revealed for what it was, and not only was my dismissal ruled wrongful by a district court judge, but that ruling being upheld on the appeal filed by the administration.

The night before that meeting I got a phone call that my mother had passed away.

During the meeting when I explained all business had  be completed then as I was now not going home only to visit family but to attend my mother’s funeral, her death was actually used to introduce a way to prolong the wrongful treatment.

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When I told my father who, unbeknownst to me had been well informed on things by my mother although he himself had not talked to me about it, suggested I return to school on schedule so my mother could not be used against me in the proceedings I was about to face.

The year after my mother’s passing was filled with formulaic meetings, a Plan for Improvement I fulfilled but, because the administrator had not performed her duties resulted in my being asked if I would extend my harassment by extending my already reached deadline, a dismissal hearing fraught with school committee members violating their own policies to arrive at a predetermined outcome, a court case that revealed the whole process for what it was, an appellate court ruling that verified I had been wrongly treated, and close to anniversary of my mother’s death, the Oklahoma City Public Schools adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to student related school district policies.

I knew my mother would gave wished this final win had happened when there was a chance for me to come home and be able to be with her and my father for their remaining years, but her support had meant so much.

While others had put flowers on her grave and others placed stones on the headstone, I was able to place a copy of OKC’s local newspaper with the article about the win where she lies.

Today is the 10th anniversary of her death. And for those who have experienced it, mothers never really go away.

In preparation for the court case  while I was going through documents that might be helpful to my lawyers, I had papers spread all over my dining room floor and had to move a small table with some random things on it that were just there and unused. As I moved the table, a book my mother had once given me fell to the floor and a document I had forgotten I fad fell out. That document proved to be crucial to the case.

On one level this is a sad day. On another it can be seen as the day I had an ally move on to a position that helped not only me, but the GLBT students now protected by inclusion in school policies.

                                                             GERINE H QUIGLEY

                                                 September 1922      December2008



Empathy anyone?

United States corporations and United States political policies brought turmoil to Central America. The resulting civil and drug cartel wars have put innocent people’s lives in danger, and people want to escape what we have wrought.

When families arrive at our Southern Border, they are greeted by the military and Border Patrol agents who look like the military, and children are taken from their parents. This is not what these people had expected.

Their alternative is to avoid what is happening at the entry points and attempt to sneak past that mess and, if they are successful, get into the country with their families intact.

As it is not our shared experience, most of us have no idea what this whole process means to those subjected to them. It is the same naivite’ based reaction many people have when vets talk of actions based on PTSD or sexual assault victims tell us the trauma is still real.

Not our circus, not our monkeys.

When I taught in Southern California in the 1980s a number of our students and their families had fled the wars in Central America. The middle school had started a Junior ROTC program,  and for the assembly for families to welcome them to the new school year, it was decided to have Junior ROTC kids carry in the flag with some standing at attention at the auditorium doors. It was going to be their first appearance in their new uniforms, and the administration saw this as a self esteem booster for those kids and a sign of school pride.

What was not considered was that the last time the refugee families had seen men in uniform it meant the massacres and forced military service they had fled. And so it was that as the auditorium doors opened and people in uniform entered with the flag while others simply stood at attention in the doorways, there was panic among the refugee families, many of whom rose from their seats and rushed to the doors.

Clearly the decision to use the Junior ROTC was innocent enough to those who made the decision, but there was an experience of others that made it something else.

When the practice of family separation at the Southern Border was begun, Jeff Sessions warned,

“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law. If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”

He made the purpose of the policy clear.

If your children are facing death, forced prostitution or military service in a civil war even on the side you know is wrong, or you don’t want them to become involuntary mules of drug cartels, stay in your home country and deal with it. If you come here, we will punish you and your kids by taking them away.

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In the case of Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin of Guatemala that alternate route proved deadly.

Caught entering the country with her father, this 7 year old girl and her father were taken into the custody of the U.S. Border Patrol, and she died of dehydration and shock more than eight hours later.

Jakelin’s father had reported that she was ill and vomiting, but she was given no medical attention, and by the time she arrived at the border station an hour-and-a-half later, she was not breathing. Emergency workers revived her twice, and transported her by air to a hospital in El Paso, Texas, where she died of cardiac arrest.

Jakelin and her father had been traveling with a group of 163 people who approached agents to turn themselves in on Dec. 6. They weren’t at an official entry point, but it must be remembered that they did not flee from agents, but approached them.

Customs and Border Protection said the girl had not eaten or consumed water in several days.

When taken in by a Border Patrol agent, a person gets processed at a facility usually spending no more than 72 hours in custody before they are either transferred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement or deported.

People have left bottles of water in the desert so those crossing the border could have water, but, as is seen in a now famous video, border agents empty them when they come across them. Certainly, having been found in the desert, the possibility that Jakelin’s group might be thirsty is not all that farfetched.

Although the number of refugees at the border has been overwhelming, it is no surprise that there are many children, and traditional procedures need to be modified to deal with that. As one supervisory agent pointed out, the procedures in place were designed to deal with single males coming to the border. But, with family separation having begun last summer in earnest, someone would have had to notice a need to find a way to handle families and children by now.

Those arriving have been walking up to agents and turning themselves in instead of trying to circumvent authorities.

Displaying the empathy so well exercised by the Trump administration, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen echoed the sentiments of Jeff Sessions when she said on Fox News,

 “This family chose to cross illegally. We’ll continue to look into the situation, but, again, I cannot stress enough how dangerous this journey (is) when migrants choose to come here illegally.”

To her, it is the father’s fault because he had chosen to save his daughter from life threatening conditions and took the chance for a better life for his daughter in the country that had messed up his homeland and helped create the conditions they were fleeing.

Apparently terrorists aren’t all that clever.

To explain why we should build the wall, Trump keeps saying that over the last year 10 foreign terrorists were caught, and they all were caught at the Southern Border.

“we caught 10 terrorists. These are over the last very short period of time — 10.”

According to a State Department report on terrorism,

“There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

Why should they since they can choose between the Canadian border, 182 international airports in the United States, and 20 seaports that cater to cruise ships.

Because, as the State Department admits, both Canada and Mexico are cooperating with the U.S. on terrorism, no evidence has emerged that terrorists are pouring in from either country.

That would leave the seaports and the airports as a better way to sneak through, but, judging from Trumps analysis, for some reason terrorists insist on sneaking in from Mexico.

A joint report by Homeland Security and the Justice Department states that of the 2,554 terrorist on the no-fly list, 2,170, were trying to come by air, and 335 by land, and the rest by sea.

So we need to spend billions to deal with 13% of the total attempting to enter while we only routinely deal with the other 87%.

On top of that, as far as those coming by land, according to Homeland Security, the people they encounter at the border have been those denied entry to the U.S. They are not being apprehended en masse, but have simply been subjected to established procedures for those, regardless of the number, who arrive at legal entry points.

Thes are ot terrorists being arrested, but those who are sent back to their country of origin.

In spite of this, Mike Pence has said,

“we actually still apprehend 1,100 individuals a day, who are attempting to enter this country illegally, including seven individuals a day who are either known or suspected terrorists.”

He seems slightly confused about what is going on at the border

Since last summer Pence’s 7 per day jumped to 10 based only on Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen saying,

“On average, my department now blocks 10 known or suspected terrorists a day from traveling to or attempting to enter the United States.”
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No verified statistic changed, only the spoken number.

And, the question that needs to be asked is that if it is 10 per day, or 3,650 per year unless they do not try to enter on weekends or holidays, where are they being jailed, or are they simply sent away to try again later?

In the pre-midterm election race-based scare mongering regarding the approaching caravan, Pence changed his number to the bigger scarier number 10.

“In the last fiscal year, we apprehended more than 10 terrorists or suspected terrorists per day at our southern border from countries that are referred to in the lexicon as other than Mexico. That means from the Middle East region.”

Again, that would be 3,650 people from “the Middle East region”.

Where are they?

But, when he was asked if he was sure about the number, Pence had to acknowledge that the number 7, inflated to 10, covered all points of entry, not just the southern border.

But bumbling along in his own world, Trump refused to accept established reality, and clung to his fiction,

“Sadly, it looks like Mexico’s Police and Military are unable to stop the Caravan heading to the Southern Border of the United States. Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in. I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergency. Must change laws!”

Again the question arises that if “unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in”, how can that be determined since they are unknown?

He even supported this by saying,

“I spoke with Border Patrol this morning. … They say that over the course of the year, over the course of many years, they have intercepted good and bad people, including people from the Middle East.”

And most recently, in his televised meeting with  Nancy Pelosi and  Chuck Schumer, Trump not only held to the 10 watch-list travelers per day encountered by Homeland Security , he added that they were also carriers of diseases and criminals.

He is desperate to have his wall.

Terrorists are considered clever people. They have to plan in secret, get to their target without getting intercepted, execute that plan, and get away unless the plan involves a suicide bomber.

All the options  at their disposal to get into the country, and they only come in at the most watched entry point?


Anyone who has been on the receiving end of judgment by Bible verse, as an individual or a member of a group up, knows that even as the Bible is claimed to be the inerrant word of God contained in a book where every divinely inspired word counts, knows that that only holds when the verses apply to others while those that are more self directed can be overlooked or interpreted in very convenient ways.

Leviticus is rife with prohibitions conveniently recited when applicable to others, such as the misuse of the verses on temple prostitutes being applied to Gay people while the Southern Baptists who claim the bible’s inerrancy while delivering the verse love a good pork bar-b-q and have no problem with shrimp and cotton/polyester blends.

While the parts about a vengeful God are the all time favorites that justify judgment and condemnation, the Beatitudes are conveniently left out because, well, gee, they soften the vengefulness quite a bit.

The Bible with which most people are familiar was written in an ancient language, translated into Latin and Greek, was subsequently translated in English with certain untranslatable words and phrases  replaced with familiar phrases that would be familiar to English readers with some phrases repurposed to address certain issues and influence people’s behavior, and, as in some versions leaving out whole books so that the Christian Bible contains or omits certain books depending on your particular denominations.

Book of Sirach, anyone?

The bible was also edited to end or continue practices that would not be allowed if the relevant verses were left in

Enter the Version of the bible used among enslaved people in the colonies.

Whole chapters that dealt with freedom, equality and resistance were removed by churches so that Christian missionaries could convert enslaved Africans to Christianity without fear of them seeking freedom.
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A copy of The Holy Bible, Selected For the Use of the Negro Slaves, in the British West-India Islands, on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. was printed and used for conversion after being edited by the Missionary Society For the Conversion of Negro Slaves.

It leaves out all the passages that might lead slaves to turn on their masters. That whole troublesome business in Exodus that deals with Hebrew slaves and letting His people go, is not in it.

The censored version removed 90% of the Old Testament and 50% of the New Testament. All the parts that spoke against servitude and wrongful punishments were remove, but the parts about obedience to master were left in.

Exodus 21:16, which reads: “And he that steals a man, and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death” is not there.

Ephesians 6:5, which says, “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ” is.

The original purpose was to control Native Americans, but after the American Revolution established the equality of all men, something had to override the Constitution and justify to the slaves why they weren’t include among the equal.

Missionary groups and churches were willing to slice up the Bible in this instance to deceive people and justify a Biblically condemned practice.

How many times has this been done and continues to be done to promote an agenda on other issues?

Impersonating police officers

We’ve all seen the pictures in the newspaper or on television with ICE, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, gathered around a small group of people they have apprehended in a raid.

ICE is a law enforcement agency of the federal government that enforces immigration laws and investigates criminal and terrorist activity of foreign nationals living in the United States. Its has primary components are Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), and is charged with the investigation and enforcement of over 400 federal statutes within the United States. They are known by most people for raiding homes and workplaces where undocumented immigrants might be.

The problem with those visuals is that above the letters ICE is the word “police” which implies they are part of the local law enforcement.

They are not.

But they do a disservice to local law enforcement which relies on a good relationship with the community in which most local offices live, and if people are angry at or untrusting of the local police that can make their jobs more difficult while creating an unnecessary and false adversarial relationship.

When ICE officers finish their job and leave town, they leave behind people in the community with a bad attitude toward the police they leave behind,

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Impersonating a police officer impersonation is the act of falsely portraying oneself as a member of the police for the purpose of deception in order to assert police-like authority.

Dressing up and pretending to be a police officer for the purpose of play is generally not considered a crime, provided that people can recognize the imposter is not a real police officer, and the imposter is not trying to deceive people into thinking they are.

But, because of ICE actions and the word POLICE in letters larger than ICE and by that more immediately visible, people may not be aware that they are not real police and their posing as the police may be a form of deception.

It may only be my humble opinion, but if ICE does not voluntarily remove the word “police” from its uniforms, local municipalities should charge the agency with impersonating an officer in court to force them to stop deceiving the public and stop making local law enforcement’s job more difficult than it already is.