Requirements for buying a gun


Remember, when teachers are asking for decent wages, respect, and treatment as professionals, the politicians refer to them as “union thugs”.

Now, rather than make it harder for people to get guns whose only purpose is to kill many people in a short amount of time, and while claiming those doing mass school shootings suffer some form of mental illness, they cheer an executive order to make it easier for those people to get guns, with their solution for school shootings being to arm the thugs.

Teachers are getting sued for quite a few foolish things these days.

Parents, who do not instill self discipline or self-control in their children, who dismiss the need for etiquette or proper social behavior in them, will, because the teacher might yell at them while correcting their bad behavior, might tell them an answer is incorrect, or might not treat them as the prince or princess they think they are, will certainly sue a teacher who isn’t fast enough to shoot an intruder before a student gets shot or whose bullet ricochets off something in the hall hitting a kid.

What would be the limits to teacher liability, and who will cover the cost of the necessary insurance coverage?

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There are very few secrets in school. Students know more than adults not on campus can imagine they know. Which school staff is armed will not remain a secret very long, and an intruder, especially one who may have attended the school, will know which teacher should be eliminated first and whose students will be the first victims.

Will the teacher who goes down while defending the students be honored as a hero the same way as a fallen hero in battle is, and will the family be bestowed with something other than a funeral to attend?

Congress, while doing nothing to control a person’s ability to obtain unnecessary style weapons, and is discussing allowing gun owners from states who have few if any restrictions on the purchase of guns to carry their weapons into states with strict laws in violations of the laws of those states and the will of the people in them, is considering laws that require armed school personnel to undergo strict training, certification, psychological testing, mental health evaluation, and the like before they can protect students, while anyone with the cash, a checking account, or a credit or debit card can walk into a gun store or gun show and walk out with a weapon with which to kill the students and the teachers,

Arming teachers will increase gun sales and manufacturers’ profits, while experts with no experience in dealing with school shootings will be hired as consultants on something they know little about .

Rather than put a dent in gun sale profits, lawmakers prefer to have school districts spend millions on non-classroom, non-education related guns and programs, but not on students.

Of the two approaches, eliminating the problem or dealing with a problem you choose not to eliminate, the choice should be a simple one.

The corporate owned politician

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I’ll give you two goats for the girl

The nationwide public religious civil liberties law firm, Liberty Council, that represented Kim Davis after she was sued by a Gay couple when she refused to issue them a marriage license because, even though she was a public employee, she chose to refuse to follow the law in favor of her interpretation of the bible, is now pushing the book  Under God’s Authority which recounts the Kentucky county clerk’s 2015 legal battle.

In a promotional video  for the book, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin praises Davis for her “boldness, conviction” and her “knowing that she was right.”

“I think Kim Davis is, without question, an inspiration, not only to leaders like myself … but to my children, to the children of America. People, even if they disagree with her, have got to respect the fact that here is a woman who was willing to put it all on the line out of conviction for what she believed and knew to be her right as an American citizen. If that’s not admirable ― if that’s not something that we would want all Americans to emulate, I don’t know what is.” 

Considering that she is a member of the majority  White population, and that she is a member of the majority religion, some form of Christianity, her battle to preserve the majority favoring status quo can hardly be considered an heroic act. She was not standing up to an oppressor, after all, but was the oppressor.

The inspirations for children are those people in the minority who defend principles and the equality with which we are all endowed by our creator no matter how much this might be disfavored by the majority, while she was attempting to deny those rights to others in the name of that very same creator.

She may be claiming to defend the sanctity of marriage, but the actual assaults on it are her multiple divorces and marriages.

She defends the multiple marriages, and rationalizes her disobeying the law and refusal to do the job for which she willingly accepted the salary with,

“When I think about marriage in my life, before I knew Christ, I was a miserable flop at it ― just terrible. But I still knew that it was between one man and one woman.” 

Apparently, one women married to multiple men is acceptable provided it is sequential.

She is running for re-election. Once a Democrat, she switched to Republican, the party now known for its ever shifting adherence to principle. Her prospective opponent is one the people from whom she withheld a marriage license because of her devotion to the real meaning of marriage, the latest one.

She is from Kentucky, a heavily conservative, religious, and federal money dependent state, a state which has its own idea of what a Biblical marriage is.

Currently in Kentucky, teens under 18 can marry at age 16 or 17 with a parent’s permission, and those under 16 can marry with a  judge’s permission in cases of  pregnancy, even if it is an older man who has coerced the girl into having sex.
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Kentucky has the third-highest rate in the nation for these marriages, with Texas first and Florida second.

Marriages between two teenagers represents only about 7% of such marriages in Kentucky, with 93%  being teenage girls marrying older men. And this isn’t a case of boys who have just reached the age of majority marrying a girl slightly younger, but involves men up to 20  or more years older than the bride.

Senate Bill 48, sponsored by state Senator Julie Raque Adams, a Republican, would raise the legal age for most marriages in Kentucky to 18.

With  SB 48  marriage would be limited to those 18 or older, while those who are 17 could marry with permission of a district judge, if the age difference between the two people is fewer than four years.

As further protections for the minor girl, the judge would be required to examine any material related to any child abuse records involving the teen, checking for any sex-offender records of the adult, considering the maturity and independence of the teen, if the teen has completed high school or obtained a GED, and review for any domestic violence records of either of the affianced.

Marriages involving one person being in a position of authority over the other, a conviction for child abuse or a sexual offense, or a pregnancy or child in common that would establish that the intended spouse was the perpetrator of a sex crime against a girl too young to consent would automatically be denied.

The last time Kentucky updated its marriage law was 1998 when the minimum age permitted for marriage was raised to 16. Before that, Kentucky had no minimum age for marriage.

A study showed that up to 80% of marriages involving girls under age 18 end in divorce, and in those marriages the girl was 50% more likely to drop out of high school and four times less likely to graduate from college which affects their being prepared for a decent job with a decent wage.

While denying adult same sex couples marriage licenses, one has to wonder how many one man/one woman  marriage licenses Davis issued to couples whose under age bride was coerced into the marriage, was a high school student marrying an older divorcee,  or was forced to marry her rapist.

It would seem two adults of the same sex in a loving relationship is not as acceptable to Davis and her supporters as a marriage in which one party is still a child while the other could be a child abusing sex-offender prone to domestic violence who holds a position of authority over someone who has been impregnated during a forced sexual act because of the use of that authority.


Trump’s hidden inner love child

We have all fixated on Trump’s bone spurs as the implausible excuse that got him five deferments during the Viet Nam War.

But considering his father and grandfather, his paternal involvement in the Klan, and the need to be a heartless businessman, we may now be getting hints that the real reason for not serving may not have been based on a selfish cowardice, but, rather, on the unknown aspect of Donald trump, that of being a secret hippie love child.

Consider, first, that when he wanted to appear tough on immigration, he pulled the rug out from under the DREAMers, but then, perhaps in a compassionate peek into his inner love child, Trump promised 25 lawmakers that if they brought him a bill that would extend protections to 800,000 immigrants’ children, he would sign it.

“You folks are going to have to come up with a solution. And if you do, I will sign that solution.”

And, even as he insisted that funding for the border wall needed to remain a part of the deal, when he proclaimed,

“A clean DACA bill to me is to take care of the 800,000 people.  We take care of that, and we also take care of security. And then we can go to comprehensive [immigration reform] later on,”

He also insisted that.
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“This should be a bill of love. Truly, it should be a bill of love and we can do that.”

He did reject the DACA bill that came to him, but I am sure he did so lovingly.

And more recently his love child snuck out when, after his surprise tweet on tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum, and his doubling down by saying in answer to a question at a joint press conference with the Swedish Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven,

“We’re doing tariffs on steel. We cannot lose our steel industry. It’s a fraction of what it once was. And we can’t lose our aluminum industry,”

He also insisted that

“We are going to straighten it out and do it in a very loving way. It will be in a loving, loving way. They will like us better and respect us much more.”

His bravado is an obvious facade, a veneer hiding the warm fuzzy heart of a softie.

I love a parade

Because he loves the veterans so much, Donald Trump has scheduled his authoritarian, third world country military style parade for November 11, Veterans’ day.

According to chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White,

“We are looking towards November 11, around Veteran’s Day, and also possibly in conjunction with the World War I centennial celebration. So it would be a celebration not only of our currently serving members but also those of the past.”

So, Trump’s “grand military parade” is beginning to take shape.

The last military parade in DC was held in 1991 to mark the end of Operation Desert Storm, at a cost pf about $8 million that most people had no problem with since it celebrated the end of a war with limited casualties. But, according to White House budget director Mick Mulvaney, the cost this time could range from $10 million to $30 million, with the purpose of the parade being just to have one like the Bastille Day military parade  trump saw in Paris last year.

As he usually does, talk about a possible action before talking with anyone to see if an idea is a good one or even feasible or affordable, trump announced,

“It was a tremendous day, and to a large extent because of what I witnessed, we may do something like that on July 4 in Washington down Pennsylvania Avenue. We’re going to have to try to top it, but we have a lot of planes going over and a lot of military might, and it was really a beautiful thing to see, and representatives from different wars and different uniforms.”

And, again as usual, his advisers and staff have to cover for him and make it happen. After the fact of his announcement, trump asked Defense Secretary James Mattis to brief him on “concepts of operation for this event”.

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So for the sixth time there will be something that will prevent Trump from some sort of military event.

If his desire was to have a parade to honor veterans, during 2017 when he had the opportunity to honor troops at any Armed Forces Day parade, he attended none.

This one would be a personal ego boost as the parade would pass by his reviewing stand where he would be saluted by those marching past, so it would be all about him.

He faces a tough decision.

He can do what is beneficial to the country as a whole and attend the summit in Paris, or he can stroke his needy ego and be at the parade gloating at the country’s military might while receiving the mandatory salutes of those who serve and have served.




How the gun debate goes

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today is march 5

Assuming they would be safe and would have a path to citizenship ,children, too young to have made the decision to come to the United States and too young to oppose their parents, were brought here illegally either by parents who just chose to ignore the immigration laws, or  who took the chance for a better life, perhaps getting away from circumstances that could lead to the deaths of themselves and/or the children, followed what was required by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.

To qualify for DACA, the undocumented immigrants had to have arrived in the USA before they were 16 and lived in the USA continuously since June 2007, and had to be free of any criminal history. Their deportation was to be deferred for two years with an opportunity to renew, and in the meantime they could apply for a driver’s license, a work permit, and enroll in college.

As of last year, Trump’s first year as president, approximately 800,000 individuals were enrolled in the program.

A bipartisan bill had been proposed in 2001 to address the children who had been brought here and afford the opportunity for them to attend college and become permanent citizens of the United States, the only country they ever knew, and it was followed by one proposed in 2007, but which failed because of a bipartisan filibuster in the Senate, and another that failed in 2011 when the bill passed the House, but not the Senate because it did not get the 60 votes needed to overcome a Republican filibuster in the Senate.


Finally, on June 15, 2012, President Obama announced his DACA policy, it was  officially established by a memorandum from the Secretary of Homeland Security titled “Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children” because of the failure of the House and Senate to come up with anything.

Putting their trust in the only country they knew and not having to face deportation, young people came out of the shadows and handed to those who until DACA could have sent them away, all the personal information about themselves which until then was something not to be done lightly.

In 2017, in an act of subtle cruelty, knowing as we all did that since 2010 congress has been lethargic, divided, and largely unproductive, trump took away the protections of DACA, telling congress they would have to do something by March 5th, or with the aid of the information handed over by them thinking it was the best thing to do, ICE could start to round them up and send them away.

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It was a calculated move that would give Trump the out to blame congress for having done nothing, knowing that would be what would happen, while he pandered to his base and played the role of the protector of the borders these kids did not willingly cross. He could create a new “threat to people who had led for years with these kids in their midst with no adverse effects. He invented a nonexistent thret to unify those people who need an enemy to blame their own failures on.

And, by the way, some of those people and some of their spouses are veterans that we robotically thank for their service.

And for the somewhat self-righteous people who say these kids had time to become citizens and have no excuse for never applying, without DACA had they begun the naturalization process, they would have been found to have been in the country “illegally”, and would have been deported from this country to one that is both culturally and geographically foreign to them.

As expected congress did nothing.

And today is the day.









today’s sunday school lesson

The New Genesis 22:

Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied.

Then God said,

“Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as on a mountain I will show you.”

Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his AR-15. He took with him two Board members of the NRA and his son Isaac. When he got his extra ammo clip, he set out for the place God had told him about.  On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. He said to the NRA board members, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”

Abraham took the AR-15 for the offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the extra clip. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?”

“Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.

“The AR-15 and the ammo are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the offering?”

More than often they take help from sleep medication to keep sleeping in cheap cialis canada the night. Make sure you combine these drugs with alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine and other stimulants may be risky. buy levitra online No one knows that we are ‘human beings’ and not wholesale cialis some instruction accepting machines who will just continue to ignore your health and put all your marbles on the formula, hoping for the solution that will eliminate all of your problems, with a magic bullet. The ditched drama queen created a vitriolic levitra low cost important site video and posted it on video hosting site You Tube. Abraham answered with a nudge an  wink,

“God himself will provide the lamb for the offering, my son.”

And the two of them went on together.

When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and checked his AR-15. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar. Then he reached out his hand and took the rifle to slay his son.  But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied.

“Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear the NRA, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”

The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said,

“I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore who will never have to face a background check and can get a high powered rifle no matter how young they are or how mentally challenged. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, the liberals who want fewer guns in the hands of those who shouldn’t have them, and through your offspring  all nations on earth and all the people within your own county will be blessed because you will be armed to the teeth.”

Then Abraham returned to his NRA buddies, and they set off together for Mar a Lago. And Abraham played a few rounds of golf.


For the workers Part II

Now, why would corporations be anti-union?

To begin with, as was the case in the two bits of history I related yesterday, the less the workers are paid, the more profit for the company.

Without job security that comes with a contract, people who ask for more money or decent working conditions can simply be let go.

And with workers kept as drone individuals, there is little pressure for the bosses to treat employees humanely and as more than nameless, faceless slaves.

I have taught in four states where not all public employees were required to join a public employee union, bot in all but one, they could still be charged a small percentage of the full union dues to help defray the costs of bargaining  the contract that benefited both members and non-union members, and to help with the cost of representing employees in the grievance process.

In one state, the public employee union could not charge this “shop fee”, so non-members shared in all the benefits of collecting bargaining without having to help in any way, and they had to be  represented by the union in grievance proceedings without having paid a cent toward the cost of the process.

Many of the non-union people saw something un-American with unions, even anti-Christian, but oddly they never turned down the improved benefits the union got through collective bargaining.

In essence, they were free-loaders who got the benefits paid for by their fellow employees while condemning their fellow employees for being in the union.

This is what “right to work” laws are all about. Their main purpose is to drain unions of money, membership, and political influence. States with right to work laws have weakened unions, resulting in stronger corporate influence in politics and lower wages.

In my year as a union building representative in the state without a shop fee, besides being the ones who told us at the beginning of each negotiations session that we had better get them a good raise, the majority of grievances filed for an alleged violation of the contract came from non-members who consistently reminded me that the union had the legal obligation to represent them.

The more union members the stronger the workers are, and that is why corporations want them ended. Minimum wage exists only to keep the corporations from paying less.

Corporate America dreams of destroying organized labor because it eats into their ability to amass unlimited profits. Workers who create the profits by their productivity would be denied any share in them while those who produce nothing gain.

There are close to 15 million union members in America evenly split between public employees, who hold government jobs, and employees of private companies.

“Right to work” laws are the most effective tool for destroying union membership, because such laws in essence allow any worker in a unionized workplace to enjoy the benefits of a union for free, or put another way, they get to spend other people’s money on themselves.

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Republicans would love to pass a national “right to work” law,that would supersede the power of blue states and make the entire country hostile ground for union organizing, and with Trump in the White House, a man without any history of treating workers decently when it comes to profits, right wing business interests have an ally.

In Rachel Howland’s day, there was right to work that had the accompanying attitude that, although you had a right to the job, you had no right to a living wage, decent working condition, the 40-hour work week, equal pay for equal work, sick leave, weekends, or overtime pay, and you should be happy you have a job regardless of the deplorable pay and working conditions.

The results of the Janus v AFSCME will affect all workers, not just public employees.

Whatever working conditions exist presently could be taken away with no recourse.

Considering how bad economic inequality is now, it will get worse as the benefits of worker productivity will go more to those who do not produce, and less to those who do.

Without unions the workers will lose political power, but corporations will have their political power increased with no balance.

That is why unions are targeted for systematic destruction.

If the younger generations think things are bad now, they need to pay close attention or it could, and, depending on the SCOTUS ruling, will get worse.

The middle class was created by unions. Without them the middle class will be the empty space between the “haves” and “have nots”. In other words, there will be no middle class.

And, young ones, those of us who benefited by unions are old, retired, and heading toward being on the other side of the grass. It is our past. What you face is your future , one that will lack a living wage, decent working condition, the 40-hour work week, equal pay for equal work, sick leave, weekends, or overtime pay,

Protect it.

Don’t passively accept the self-serving false statements about unions spewed by corporations.



For the workers Part I

Knowing things change, and being smart enough not to put the proverbial eggs all in one erstwhile basket, besides owning ships for commerce and whaling, the tycoons of New Bedford also invested in manufacturing cloth, and many of the companies they started are still around

In the early days, the Quaker belief in the equality of man kept them treating employees with relative fairness, but as the money poured in, some of that spirit began to evaporate.

In 1867 the manager of the Wamsutta mill, Robert Bennet fired four workers because they protested a cut in pay, and when 900 workers out of a full complement of 1050 walked out, the mill had to be closed.

The workers wanted a ten hour day at the same rate they had received for the 11 hour day and the return of the fired workers.

Rachel Collins Smith had married into the Howland family of New Bedford of which one member had been the first mayor when the town became the city. She knew and worked with Harriet Beecher Stowe, founded the still existing Fund for Aged Women, helped found the Myrtilla Minor School for Free Black Children in Washington DC, and while in that city was a great friend of Lincoln’s. All this is to say, she was rich, prominent, and a very charitable person.

As rich and privileged as she might have been, Rachel supported the underdog, and so it was when she sided with the workers and attempted to end the workers’ walk out in their favor, she acted as arbitrator.

Although she got most of what the workers wanted, the original four workers who had been fired were not rehired.

The price she paid, in spite of her standing as one of the richest wives in the city was a precipitous drop in invites to social events and the cold shoulder of her peers.

Undaunted, a few years later when there was tension between school teachers and administrators, she had a meeting at her home with both sides at which she established that one teacher would represent the others when presenting their concerns to those in charge.

Rachel did for the workers what unions would eventually do because the less money the workers made and the less attention paid to their working conditions, the more profit for the company, and workers needed to speak with one voice.

In 1928, approximately 30,000 machinery operatives in several of the large cotton mills located in New Bedford walked out again over the same issue, a cut in wages. This time it was a 10% cut proposed by the New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers’ Association.
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Prior to the strike, textile workers saw their wages triple, and small businesses and local banks thrived as workers spent and saved their earnings.

Workers demanded not only the abolition of the cut in wages, but a 20% wage increase and implementation of the 40-hour work week, equal pay for equal work, an end to child labor, and no retribution against union members.

New Bedford police were tolerant of picketers at the beginning of the strike, but when the number of picketers grew, arrests became more common.

Although there was more than one labor committee representing the various trade and immigrant workers, who had not been allowed to join the worker unions initially, they were all eventually represented by the American Federation of Labor.

Most of the mill workers of New Bedford, loom fixers, weavers, warp twisters etc., had unionized ahead of the 1928 strike .

The strike ended when negotiators representing the strikers accepted the offer of mill owners for a 5 percent wage cut and promises of 30 days’ notice before implementation of any further wage reductions.

What the workers got in terms of hours, wages, and conditions of employment, things like  realistic work hours, safe working conditions, sick time , and weekends, did not come from the largess of generous  heads of corporations, but because of the unified workers speaking with one voice.

And, because they have to treat the workers with dignity and share their profits with the workers who created them, the corporations want desperately to have the unions go away so that the workers would have to accept whatever crumbs would be spared for them.