Schools, those places children have to go every day by law; those places that may be refuges from bad neighborhoods and bad home lives for some kids; those places where some kids get their major meal of the day; those places where students may have found the adult that renders them support and comfort during difficult times and lives; those places where students spend a large part of their day; those places where students should feel safe and where they need to be assured that the adults care from them; those places that should be the least threatening place for students, could very well become the scariest place they may ever have to walk up to.
Rather than make it more difficult to obtain unnecessary weapons with large ammo clips long before they can vote or drink. The GOP has come up with an idea that guarantees you can buy any gun you want, and one, that makes schools more than a theoretical war zone.
While liking to repeat that gun free zones like schools signal any “sicko”, as the president refers to people with a mental illness, that this s a good place to shoot up, they fail to realize there will be “sickos” who would love to have a gun fight where one presents itself and go down playing Rambo in their minds.
Besides arming teachers, which would mean buying more guns, lucrative public contracts for gun makers, and bonuses for teachers willing to carry on campus subsidized by taxpayers, the Freedom Caucus chair Mark Meadows has proposed giving a targeted tax cut to any patriotic American with a gun, basically vigilantes, willing to patrol outside schools to scare away, potential mass shooters, or attract someone who besides wanting to kill a lot of people in a very short time, may want to die in a blaze of glory.
some may see doing this as some form of patriotism, but, many of those with the time and desire to do this are the guys who like to parade around in malls, walk into coffee shops, and just hang around in public areas just to let people know they believe they have the right to have the biggest weapons they could find to hang from their shoulders and the biggest hand guns from their hips.
So ,instead of making it illegal for teenagers to buy military-grade weapons without a background check, or embracing a common-sense, evidence-based solution to gun violence, Meadow’s idea is to surround every school in the country with a ring of “good guys with guns.”
Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers, an anti-federal government organization which came to prominance during the rise of right-wing extremism in the early years of the Obama administration claiming that the federal government will disarm all citizens, impose martial law, and round Americans up into detention camps, has promoted a plan to have members stand guard outside schools.
They will be unpaid and unaccountable armed school guards whether or not administrators, teachers, or students like the idea.
Besides standing guard, Rhodes has stated his people will help train the teachers and staff.
Even though Trump, the NRA, and some GOP lawmakers have suggested arming teachers who have firearms training, Rhodes believes that since training teachers will take time, it makes sense to use Oath Keepers until they are trained.
The volunteers would be non-vetted and non-professional members of a conspiratorial militia group, and their presence is not wanted by The National Association of School Resource Officers and school departments.
“Tough. If they don’t like it, too bad,” Rhodes said. “We’re not there to make people feel warm and fuzzy; we’re there to stop murders. What I tell our people is don’t ask for permission. Let ‘em know what you’re doing and be as friendly as you can. But this is the reality we’re in right now.”
Somehow having an anti-government group protecting “government schools”, a term many on the right use in a derogatory manner when promoting the idea that the government is brainwashing the children, making them all anti-Christian, and getting them to accept the difference among our “E Pluribus Unum” population , seems a dangerous irony especially when “training” is involved.