He abuses the troops for personal gain

While Donald Trump is attempting to get people’s admiration for being the uber-patriot by replacing the real reason members of the NFL are taking a knee with the false one about respect of troops and country so people will see him as the great defender of all that is America, he really isn’t.

He has yet to say anything about the small group of U.S. Army Special Forces Green Berets who, along with their Nigerien counterparts, were ambushed by an enemy force of at least 50 or more members of the new wing of the Islamic State, the Islamic State in Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS), while coming back from a mission in the southwestern region of Niger.

Reports have it that the Nigerians took heavy casualties and then, in the midst of all the chaos, fled from the ambush leaving the Green Berets to handle it alone.

The Pentagon at first identified three of the four U.S. Army special operations commandos who were killed in the attack that happened a week ago.
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They were 35-year-old Staff Sgt. Bryan Black, from Puyallup, Washington; 39-year-old Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, from Springboro, Ohio, and 29-year-old Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright, from Lyons, Georgia. All were from the 3rd Special Forces Group, based at Fort Bragg.

Friday, after an extensive search, the body of a fourth soldier, 25-year-old Army Sgt. La David Johnson, was found and identified.

Although Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that President Donald Trump was briefed on the attack by chief of staff John Kelly Wednesday night, he has tweeted nothing.

He is too busy with the NFL, calling Representative Corker “Liddle”, and demanding that while the right to keep and bear arms must be preserved because it is the Constitutional right of all Americans, Freedom of the press should be limited because a lot of press is unfavorable to him.

But it is others who are disrespecting the troops.

National Coming Out Day

October 11 is National Coming Out Day.

From the mid 80s into the early 90s I was living in Long Beach California and teaching in the Los Angeles Unified School District.

During that time I had met a fellow teacher and a member of the Union’s Executive Board who was an Out Gay man in a long term committed relationship, and our paths had crossed through our union involvement. He was the person on the Board who asked if I would chair the Union’s Gay and Lesbian Education Caucus that needed to be upgraded to a full standing committee, but only if it met on a regular basis and had a chair that would push for that. I was happy to take this on.

And I was happy to be one of the few Union members who marched for the first time in L.A.’s Pride Parade with the blessing of and under the banner of the United Teachers of Los Angeles, our presence taking the parade announcer and media somewhat by surprise.

This man decided to run for an open seat on the state’s education board, and he won.

Not long after his victory he held a press conference at school headquarters in Los Angeles, and many of us Gay and Lesbian teachers rushed there after school to stand with him when he gave his first speech as a board member and outlined the issues most dear to him.

Just before he began his speech and Q&A with the press he told us what he was intending to do on a personal level and asked if we would follow his lead. It was to be totally voluntary, but it would make an impression.

And, so it was that when he ended his remarks he formally stated his full name, announced what school he had been teaching at, and followed this with the words “I am Gay”.

One by one each of us stepped forward and did the same. We stated our full names, announced what school we taught at, and said the words “I am Gay”.

It might have been in a very liberal California, but it was only around 1990, and in spite of any progress when it came to Gay equality, although much progress had been made, there was so much more that was needed.

The next day when I began my classes a student mentioned that he had seen me on the news, and a few more joined in saying they too had seen the news coverage. It had been on every station

I steeled myself for the anticipated barrage of questions and possible negative comments, but all I was asked was if I had known I was surrounded by Gay people.

It turned out that they were thrilled to see their teacher on the television and got a shot of pride when I mentioned the school name, but apparently, to a student, had turned at that point to tell their families, “That’s my teacher” and in so doing missed the “I am Gay” part.

So the big coming out was a little smaller than I had anticipated.

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The third meeting of the Oklahoma City school district’s first attempt at a Diversity Committee where the Inclusion of Gay kids in policies was to be discussed was where the committee imploded, an event that I felt was not entirely unorchestrated. Being the only committee member who had consistently attended the two previous meetings, it was no surprise to me having new faces at the third meeting. A woman I had not seen before was sitting at the end of the conference table, and as I took a seat she asked me what had been done so far. Obligingly, assuming she was one of the names listed as a committee member, but who had not shown up previously, I handed her the agenda for the meeting along with some of my papers, and filled her in on what had been covered previously.

Because of the possible awkwardness, the meetings, although not being secret, were not advertised to the general public. It was a kind of rational courtesy. I had no problem with the initial meetings being closed as there had been a very good possibility that people might have said things that after a little education they would regret having said, and might have wished for the opportunity to take these statements back. For many committee members these initial meetings may have been the first time they said the words “Gay” and “Lesbian” out loud, or even talked with someone they knew was Gay. As it was, even if it had only been a lack of taking a proper breath before beginning the sentence, the chair had choked slightly when he said “lesbian” for the first time at the initial meeting.

Once the initial stages were accomplished and actual work on the wording of a policy began, meetings could be more open. They certainly were not kept secret for any sinister reasons.

As the meeting was about to begin the chair entered the room as it slowly filled, and to my surprise did not recognize the woman I had just spoken with. He asked her to identify herself, whereupon she introduced herself as a reporter for the Daily Oklahoman, the local, highly conservative, anti-union, anti-teacher, anti-Gay, pro-Republican, Christian-fundamentalist oriented daily newspaper.

The chair emphatically and angrily cancelled the meeting on the spot. He was upset that the closed meeting was now public, and was angry someone had called the newspaper. He announced that he was only the chair because he had been told to be so by someone over him, and that he really did not want any part of the committee. He claimed meetings were only being held because of a concern one person had presented to his superior.

Not only was the meeting cancelled, but the committee immediately disbanded as well.

As angry as he had seemed to be, and after leaving the meeting room in a huff, the chair did take the time to chase down the reporter before she had left the building. He wanted her to know that he could not continue as committee chair because of personal, political and religious beliefs, and that, in spite of my never having had the chance to address the committee or answer their questions, and as he had dominated the meetings so no discussion had yet been had, I was forcing the committee in a particular direction, determined to turn the committee’s work into a “Gay Issue”. Most of his anger appeared the next day in the morning paper.

I was totally unaware of the story in the newspaper when I entered the school the next morning and was immediately summoned to the principal’s office.

She was concerned that with the news story in the paper there could be a parental backlash with requests not only for students to be removed from my classes, but that I be dismissed, and then slid a copy of the paper across her desk for me to see.

According to the article I had “described” myself as Gay and this statement was what worried the principal who was concerned about the possible back lash, although during a previous discussion she had come to understand the need to be inclusive when it came to GLBT Students.

Basically in her mind I had gone from a concerned teacher without the public’s knowledge of my sexual orientation to a Gay teacher who could be the target of people’s belief that their negative actions could be justified, although wrongly. I might now be considered a Gay man pushing the Gay Agenda.

And, thus, I came out, or was outed, to the state of Oklahoma.

This event happened twenty-five years ago this month, and as October is GLBT History Month and October 11 is National Coming out day, this is the anniversary of my third coming out.

And, although I am not seeking praise, when I looked at the article that I have kept, the word “Transgender” is mentioned by the reporter a number of times, and this was in the Buckle of the Bible Belt when Transgender was still on the horizon in places like that. One might say that the local, highly conservative, anti-union, anti-teacher, anti-Gay, pro-Republican, Christian-fundamentalist oriented daily newspaper was ahead of its time without knowing it.

It’s not a compromise based deal

Some years ago when I was attempting to get for one group of students, the Gay ones, that which all other groups of students had, I was met with considerable resistance.

I was not asking that they get more than what the other student had, just the same, but the basis of the resistance was the mistaken, but firmly held belief that if these students were to get the same it would somehow be getting more.

Granted, they would get more than what they had, but it would not be more than the other students.

The process had been taking place for almost a complete academic year, and I thought that it would be a good thing if before the next school year started the Diversity Committee that was working on this would be able to present language to the School Board that would make all students equal. Progress, however, was being slowed often by having to rehash already dealt with material and repeat discussions as the attendance of some of those who were part of the process was sketchy at best either because they were not interested in the issue, or were hoping to kill progress.

As the school year ended, the chair of the committee made the plea that we seek compromise which, like during the previous year, consisted of getting nothing, but staying with the status quo.

When one side makes no movement, while the other is told they would have to accept getting nothing, there is no compromise, no matter how much of a guilt trip they attempt to lay on you so you will slink away.

I had been told on more than one occasion that I had to have the maturity to accept keeping things the way they were, and then somewhere down the road equality might become more acceptable, yet they did not have to offer anything upon which a supposed compromise could be based.

The road upon which that somewhere sat could have been very long and never ending.

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program means that certain children, those who arrived to the United States prior to turning 16 years of age, would no longer be a priority for deportation if they have lived in the United States for at least 5 years beginning in June of 2007; are currently in school, have graduated from high school, or completed an accredited GED program; and do not have a felony, more than 3 misdemeanors, or any significant misdemeanor.

The Trump administration has announced that this program will come to an end in March 2018 with no chance of these kids renewing their status unless Congress can come up with a replacement program.

When Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer left a meeting with Donald Trump, they were assured that before the DACA program came to a complete stop, through compromise the program would live in a better form. This implied that some, if not all of what one side offered would be acceptable to the other, and vice versa.

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Trump’s long list of immigration demands includes funding for a southern border wall (the wall he promised Mexico would be paying for), a crackdown on so-called sanctuary cities, accelerating the deportations of unaccompanied children back to countries like Guatemala and Honduras even if they will be at risk, barring family members of immigrants from joining them, hiring thousands of new immigration officials to oversee the proposed measures, and appointing 370 additional immigration judges and 300 federal prosecutors.

In order to qualify for DACA, applicants already had to hand over private data and information to the government in exchange for protection from deportation. This information can now be used against them.

When he announced he would end DACA, Trump told reporters,

“I have a love for these people and hopefully now Congress will be able to help them and do it properly.”

But it appears what he is saying now is,

“If you don’t accept all of this, you will get nothing.”

That is not a deal based on compromise.

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who had hoped that Trump had been honest with them, but would have lost if there had been a bet, issued the following statement,

“The administration can’t be serious about compromise or helping the Dreamers if they begin with a list that is anathema to the Dreamers, to the immigrant community, and to the vast majority of Americans.”

Seeing how Trump changes from day to day and even by his next tweet, there is no assurance that whatever he agrees to if his demands are met will be something he will stick with once he gets what he wants.

Perhaps he will just tell those he negotiated with that they might get what they want somewhere down the road, and give them nothing.

Representative Scalise shows his gratitude.

Back in June, while Representative Steve Scalise, the Republican majority whip in the House, was covering second base during practice for the upcoming baseball game against the House Democrats, a lone gunman opened fire hitting four people, including Scalise.

Two members of Scalise’s Capitol Police security detail were wounded as they exchanged fire with the gunman. Crystal Griner was shot in the ankle, while David Bailey suffered other minor injuries and was treated and released. Being his assigned security detail, Scalise was familiar with them.

In praising the two Capitol Police special agents, Crystal Griner and David Bailey, Trump said,

“Many lives would have been lost if not for the heroic actions of the two Capitol Police officers who took down the gunman despite sustaining gunshot wounds during a very, very brutal assault. Melania and I are grateful for their heroism and praying for the swift recovery of all victims.”

Following the attack, Paul Ryan declared,

“For all the noise and all the fury, we are one family.”

And then in the House Chamber added, somewhat ironically,

“We do not shed our humanity when we enter this chamber.”

And later that morning at the White House Trump also said,

“We may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country.”

After over two months of recuperation, Scalise returned to a standing ovation in the House, and in his speech to members he thanked the “true angels” that saved his life, mentioning Baily who was present in the Chamber and Griner who was not able to be there.
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All the lawmakers who were at the baseball practice that day agree that it could have become a massacre if it had not been for Griner and Bailey.

So how do you show your appreciation to one of the angels that took a bullet saving your life?

One really good spit in the eye expression of gratitude would be to agree to be the featured speaker at the Values Voter Summit, a gathering sponsored by the Family Research Council, the far religious right group that has relentlessly attacked the GLBT community over the last twenty years, spread lies about GLBT people in order to prevent marriage equality, and has links to white supremacy groups, especially when one of the “true angels” is a married Black Lesbian.

Scalise used to sell himself politically as “David Duke without the baggage.”

FRC has had a lot of influence with Trump as he and his Department of Justice mow down the rights of GLBT people.

The group has claimed that since people are “recruited” to enter the Gay life, they can have the Gay exorcised out through conversion therapy, and that GLBT people are a pack of child predators.

Scalise authored Louisiana’s 2004 ban on same–sex marriage while a member of that state’s legislature.

Scalise’s presence at the VVS is important because, according to FRC president Tony Perkins,

 “For so many Americans, seeing him back at work, defending our values, has been an answer to prayer — and we look forward to celebrating his incredible journey back to health next Friday, October 13.”

A man who faced death, but was pulled from the brink by a person he has vilified and against whom he has worked based on bigotry and misinformation, had the chance to reassess his views when he met reality, but turned his back on it and decided to continue to believe the lies and support the group promoting them.

“Thanks for saving my life when you could have lost yours. But, hey, I need to keep promoting the false narrative about you and work to erase your marriage.”

Jeff Sessions at the Second Continental Congress

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has issued guidance for “Protections for Religious Liberty” throughout the federal government.

Principal 2 states,

“The free exercise of religion includes the right to act or not to act in accordance with one’s religious beliefs”,

meaning the government will not penalize religious organizations for their religious beliefs, including when it comes to hiring practices or other aspects of their religious practice. Similar language has been used in court cases where businesses and organizations have refused to serve GLBT people because of religious beliefs.

Other Principals state,

“Government may not exclude religious individuals or entities based on their religion,” and

“Generally, the federal government may not condition federal grants or contracts on the religious organization altering its religious character, beliefs, or activities”,

and similar language has been used to protect child-care and adoption agencies from losing governmental grants if they reject same-sex couples.

Just as corporations have become individuals when it comes to campaign contributions, Sessions considers businesses individual exercising religious beliefs under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act when they discriminate against same-sex couples.

Before Sessions’s guidelines, RFRA laws only dealt with the government directly burdening someone’s religious practice, but now it will be extended to individuals who would discriminate because of their religious beliefs, and that includes businesses.

For example:

Although it was not part of the case, under Sessions the Department of Justice submitted a brief in the case now before the Supreme Court where a bakery refused to sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple.

According to Sessions,

“A law that seeks to compel a private person’s speech or expression contrary to his or her religious beliefs implicates both the freedoms of speech and free exercise.”
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The DOJ claims that when the baker bakes, he is creating a work of art in which he can express his religious beliefs as opposed to merely providing a service, that of baking a cake.

As a result of the new guidelines, all government agencies will have to run a “religious freedom” test on all of their decisions when it comes to actions such as grants and litigation, so as not to adversely affect those who profess their actions are based on religious beliefs.

A memo claims that

“The Guidance does not authorize anyone to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in violation of federal law or change existing federal and state protections”

is easily overridden by the practice, especially since Trump signed an executive order in May regarding “religious freedom” that had as its focused allowing religious organizations and leaders to engage in political speech without penalty with the instruction that

 “In order to guide all agencies in complying with relevant Federal law, the Attorney General shall, as appropriate, issue guidance interpreting religious liberty protections in Federal law.”

The executive order was accepted as a first step and this latest by Sessions is the next.

The DOJ now argues that firing an employee for being Gay is permissible because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not actually prevent GLBT Americans from getting terminated on the basis of their sexuality.

According to Jeff Sessions,

“Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination encompasses discrimination between men and women but does not encompass discrimination based on gender identity per se, including transgender status”.

All of which seems to go against Trump’s June 2016 campaign promise,

“Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. “

Not all people are created equal according to Jeff Sessions, nor are they endowed with certain inalienable rights.

Others get to pick and choose what rights were given to whom.


Because sporting events and the United States are all about military power.

I am not going to get into the rightness or wrongness of it, but originally the NFL players were protesting what many people consider an absurd number of police shootings of unarmed Black men by bad cops with no indictments or convictions of those doing the shooting. Obviously, or at least it appears to me, that they are not protesting all police, but the ones doing the shootings.

For perhaps part of the last season of play, police officers got some backing from those who wanted to defend them even if that defense often lumped the good police officers in with the bad.

A blanket defense where it should have been more selective.

The only time we hear about the first responders is when they are responding to something spectacular while they are ignored for the rest of the time they are actually first responders or preventers.
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We thank the military for their service, but not so much the police and fire fighters until there is a photo op moment and speeches can be made.

No this season, while the protest is still about the bad cops,  the president decides to distract people from defending the good ones and changed everything once again to the military.

He finds the military a better pawn for his quest for adoration than the police.

He would not let the good police get any defense after only getting some during what was the last half of the last season.

People are now defending the flag and the military, and the police have been pushed out for the moment.

Addressing the mental health issue

People are saying Congress is doing nothing to reduce the chances of the next mass shooting.

But, let’s be fair,

Congress admits that those who are doing these heinous shootings have a mental illness, unless, of course, they are non-whites.

So, they are addressing  the issue.

After the Las Vegas shooting, Paul Ryan pointed out,

“One of the things we have learned from these things, we have learned from these shootings, is often a diagnosis of mental illness.”

And Ryan, who gets NRA money, and members of his party have dealt with mental health care in this country.

Recently the GOP, in it obsession to repeal and replace the ACA as opposed fixing any flaws, attempted to pass the Graham-Cassidy bill which would have devastated the quality and availability of mental health care by allowing states to let insurance companies drop mental health care coverage and reduce spending on Medicaid. It would have ended the ACA’s Medicaid expansion and reduced federal health insurance subsidies.

A few months before this, the GOP and Trump reversed the Obama rule that made it more difficult for individuals with a severe mental illness to purchase a gun. Under the rule, the Social Security Administration was to provide disability information for background checks required for gun purchases.

So, in addressing the problem of mental illness, the GOP chose to make getting needed mental health care more difficult while making purchasing guns of any kind for those who need that care much easier.

Some states have passed laws to control the number of guns on their streets by not allowing concealed carry, while other states do. A heavily states rights Congress has decided that one state’s ban on people carrying weapons should not take precedence over the laws of these states that allow concealed carry, so, at the insistence of the NRA, Congress is considering a bill that would force states to recognize other states’ permits allowing residents to carry concealed weapons.
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Another thing about mass shootings that Congress is dealing with is the noise that accompanies them. Whenever someone who is part of or a witness to a mass shooting speaks about the experience, they repeatedly mention the sound they heard, firecrackers, little explosions, or someone banging a mall object. Usually this is enough to get people to duck and cover, but obviously the noise adds to the event.

Therefore, the Republican-controlled House will be considering the Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act (SHARE) that would allow gun owners to purchase and use silencers which the House Natural Resources Committee, which approved the bill, wants fast- tracked.

Without sound and a flash upon firing, law enforcement and shooting victims will have a hard time telling where shots are coming from in active shooting situations, but the NRA wants this because it claims silencer will protect a hunter’s hearing.

Vegas was bad enough, so, did it really need all that noise?

The SHARE Act, by the way, would loosen regulations on the sale of armor-piercing bullets, expand gun rights on public lands, and shield people transporting guns across state lines from local laws. It would force courts to reimburse plaintiffs’ legal fees if they are improperly detained.

Now, think about that. What hunter needs armor piercing bullets, and will people enjoying a day in a state or federal park be required to wear bright orange clothing when they are out enjoying nature in a public park so they are not mistaken for whatever animal’s hunting season it is?

Hey, but at least their death won’t be a noisy one or disturbing to the peace and tranquility to other people in the park.

So in addressing mental health issues, the GOP will make it more easy to get a gun than mental health treatment, and allow these people to buy the biggest weapon they can find and bring it onto and use it on public land while being quiet when they shoot at things and people.

But so far, the GOP has not made any move to curtail the sending of thoughts and prayers after mass shootings.

So, there’s that.


Really? Our best friend?

Trumped asked back in June 2016,

“For the gays out there—ask the Gays and ask the people—ask the Gays what they think and what they do in, not only Saudi Arabia, in many of these countries, with the Gay Community, just ask, and then you tell me—who’s your friend, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?”

He asked that question just after saying,

“Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the Gay Community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country and who suppress women, Gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views or values.

She can’t have it both ways. She can’t claim to be supportive of these communities while trying to increase the number of people coming in who want to oppress these same communities.

How does this kind of immigration make our life better? How does this kind of immigration make our country better?

Why does Hillary Clinton want to bring people in, in vast numbers—who reject our values?

Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community, Donald Trump with actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? I will tell you who the better friend is and someday, I believe that will be proven out bigly.”

He followed this with,

 “Clinton wants to allow radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country. They enslave women, and murder Gays. I don’t want them in our country.”

He obviously was attempting to get the GLBT Community to agree with his Islamophobic plans, like the travel ban, by emphasizing how Gays are treated in certain Muslim countries, and to cement this he announced in his nomination acceptance speech,

“As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBT citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”

Without doing anything more than accept the words without taking the time to see if there was anything of substance to back those words up, quite a few members of the GLBT Community accepted them and supported him.

Among the countries whose foreign ideologies can be harmful for the GLBT Community, because they have the death penalty for being Gay, are Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and United Arab Emirates.

And of these, in spite of Trump claiming in his nomination acceptance speech that Hillary Clinton would not protect the GLBT Community here because of her alleged open border policy, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and United Arab Emirates were not on his list of countries subjected to his travel ban.

So while he claimed, “Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country and who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views or values”, he had the chance to back up his promise and protect the domestic GLBT Community as he claimed he would, but when he had that chance to do so, he did not.

There are those who still say his opposition is just not giving him a chance, but is being too tough on him.

So, perhaps, given another chance, his administration would take those steps necessary to protect the domestic GLBT Community from foreign ideologies here at home and when they travel, and take those steps to have those countries end heir heinous practice of killing Gays.

He challenged Americans during his campaign to,
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“ask the gays what they think and what they do in, not only Saudi Arabia, in many of these countries, with the gay community”.

Again, he was referring to countries who have the death penalty for being Gay.

So, if you want to ask me about this, I would have to point out that on September 29, the United Nations Human Rights Council put forth a resolution that condemned

 “the imposition of the death penalty as a sanction for specific forms of conduct, such as apostasy, blasphemy, adultery and consensual same-sex relations and expresses “serious concern that the application of the death penalty for adultery is disproportionately imposed on women”, while also including that “poor and economically vulnerable persons and foreign nationals are disproportionately subjected to the death penalty, that laws carrying the death penalty are used against persons exercising their rights to freedom of expression, thought, conscience, religion, and peaceful assembly and association, and that persons belonging to religious or ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented among those sentenced to the death penalty”,

and it got a “yes” vote from all the countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America (with the exception of Cuba which abstained), Western Europe, and other countries scattered around the globe, passing with a 27-13 margin.

The United States joined Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates in voting NO on this UN resolution opposing the death penalty for GLBT people.

Three counties that have the death penalty for GLBT people and are not on the travel ban, one of which Trump referred to by name when he suggested that Americans should

“ask the gays what they think and what they do in, not only Saudi Arabia, in many of these countries, with the gay community”,

voted to allow protecting the death penalty for being Gay, and the Trump administration went long with them.


“Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country and who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views or values”,

Would trump’s doing it disqualify him as a “a friend of the gay community”?

Certainly he can’t have it both ways. He can’t claim to be supportive of the Gay Community while avoiding decreasing the number of people coming in who want to oppress this same community while voting to support their practice of executing people for being Gay.

Obviously, in spite of being our best friend in the White House, Trump and his administration won’t publicly support GLBT people, and he did not really mean,

“As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBT citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology”.

He just wanted our votes, and some of us gave them to him, and now that he got them, we can be killed off as we are not needed by him anymore.

Saudi Arabia is more important to the Trump administration than the Domestic GLBT Community.

He was given another chance and he blew it.

How many more chances, especially when this one involved ending the death penalty for being Gay?

A warm compassionate moment on the island of Puerto Rico

As Donald Trump so compassionately told the people of Puerto Rico who are suffering from the worst storm ever recorded on the island and are without water, electricity, food, or shelter,

“I hate to tell you Puerto Rico, but you’ve thrown our budget a little out of whack. We’ve spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico, but it’s fine.”
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December 15, 1773.

The Boston Tea Party was the culmination of a resistance movement throughout the British colonies in North America against the Tea Act of 1773 which the colonists believed violated their right to proper representation in Parliament. They felt there was a violation of the equality Englishmen in the colonies shared with the Englishmen living in Britain. They were citizens of the same country and should be treated accordingly. While protesters in other colonies had prevented the unloading of taxed tea, in Boston, when the Royal Governor refused to allow the tea to be returned to Britain, they boarded the ships and threw the crates of tea over the sides and into the harbor.

This action led to parliamentary retributions and more protests by colonists, and this all led to the American Revolution two years later.

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Actually the Boston Tea Party was really about the people of that city protesting tea, and disrespecting the ships that had carried it into the harbor and the British flag they flew.