The statue is modified

We are all familiar with the history.

The Statue of Liberty was originally conceived to be a colossus at the Mediterranean end of the

Suez Canal, but the guy in charge of Egypt at the time had no desire to spend money on a huge statue of a local peasant girl, so the idea was scrapped.

At least its original purpose was.

But convinced it was still a good idea, the artist, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who conceived the idea offered it to the United States where the idea was accepted. The people of France paid for the statue, but the price of pedestal on which it needed to stand was to be paid for by personal donations and fund raisers.

So Bartholdi  and  Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, who built the inner support structure, and also the tower in Paris, assembled the statue’s arm from the torch to just below the wrist and got that put up in Philadelphia so people would see how big the statue would be and would just have to have it.

It was a symbol of the United States, and with the country being 100 years old, who could resist.

Emma Lazarus, penned her famous poem about the poor and huddled masses to help in the fundraising, and after it was up for 15 years it was cast into a bronze plaque and added to the pedestal  not only because of its sentiment, but because of its importance to giving the statue something to stand on.

The poem, whether printed or cast, is part of the story of the statue.

On a personal note, and I have no reason to doubt her story, the very old lady who lived next door with her daughter when I was a real little kid, told me one time that she had walked on the outside of the statue as a child of about three or four.

As she explained it, her father, an immigrant from Germany, was one of the supervisors of the construction, and when all the pieces had arrived on Bedloe’s Island he brought her to the site and had her walk on the crates that contained the pieces and on some of the unpacked sections so that, as he had joked with his fellow supervisors and work crew, his daughter would be able to say she was the only person ever to walk up the outside of the Statue of Liberty without the aid of a rope.

Because as thin as the skin of the statue actually is, an adult performing that feat would have bent every piece he stood on, a three year old wouldn’t. Apparently the workers liked the idea. And, someone had to be able to say they had on it.
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She did hold her father’s hand, but that in no way diminishes her feat.

Sawney Thorne died in her late 80s in the mid 1960s so she was the right age to support her story, and having been raised in New York City by German immigrant parents, and just being the nice lady she was, there is no reason to doubt her.

Plus, as she insisted, somewhere there has to the pictures that were taken of her standing on a piece of the statue’s skin holding her father’s hand.

The Statue had been welcoming immigrants to the United States doe 60 year until it closed in 1954, so had she come here as a legal immigrant, Donald Trump’s mother would have had the experience of Lady Liberty welcoming her to our golden door!”.


When Trump representative Stephen Miller explained his immigration plan that would no longer allow family members of those already here, or anyone else entry if they couldn’t speak English and qualify for a good job, like those with PHDs who can come here to get field hand work, it was clear that this plan would no longer accept the tired,  the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

He was asked about that by a CNN reporter who is the son of immigrants,

“What you’re proposing, or what the President is proposing here, does not sound like it’s in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration. The Statue of Liberty says, ‘give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.’ It doesn’t say anything about speaking English or be a computer programmer. Aren’t you trying to change what it means to be an immigrant coming into this country?”

Miller’s condescending answer was,

“The poem you’re referring to was added later, it’s not actually a part of the original Statue of Liberty.”

Obviously, unlike any third grader he does not know the difference between a poem that sums up what America mean to those who come here and existed before the petal, and a bronze plaque.

Also, where does that put amendments to the Constitution?

Trump sets the police up for violence against them

These are the words of a man who was raised in a protected environment and faced nothing scarier than having a golf ball land in the rough; a man who told his supporters to rough up protesters at campaign rallies because he would cover their legal costs if they were sued; a man who still refuses to accept that the Central Park Five were innocent 27 years after the crime they served partial time for and 13 years after they were exonerated in spite of his over the top condemnation of them that revealed a bigotry against those he considers less than he is, like his father did when discriminating in rental housing, speaking to police who are already facing tough situations because of the foolish bigotry of the few rotten apples in the precinct barrel,

“When you see these towns and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just see them thrown in, rough. Please don’t be too nice.”

“Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over, like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head. You can take the hand away, OK?’”.

Trump actually advocated police brutality on people regardless who they are. If this results in violence in either direction, you know, and he knows, that he will never be in a position to deal with it.

In the name of sounding manly, the man who whines on twitter, has set the police up.

He likes to talk of his supports police officers, but this showed he likes to talk tough more
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In contrast, this is how the chief of police of the city in which I live, New Bedford, Massachusetts, sees the role of police and their relationship to their community and those they arrest, who are, unlike what President Trump seems to believe, innocent until proven guilty.

“When you’re interacting with the public, I ask you to realize, they’re no different than we are. They’re our families, they’re our moms, they’re our sisters, they’re our brothers. Treat them as you want your family treated. Because at the end of the day, they are us and we are them. And it’s going to require all of us together.”

“Don’t look in that rear-view mirror — we need to look through that windshield, collectively, together, and I mean that as a team, as a family, So we can make this a better place to work and a safer city for the people that we’ve sworn to protect.”

While the former is encouraging division and violence, the latter is promoting community and hoping to avoid it.

Between the two, I prefer the police chief.

And I am sure the majority of police officers do to.


Thus spake the president.

When you really don’t have an agenda, the easiest way to get people to follow you is to create a common enemy from which you, and only you, can protect people.

And if there is no such enemy, tell lies about a group that is different in language, culture, dress, and religion, and ignore proven facts if necessary and cultivate hate.

The scarier you can make the specter, the better.

Just like Trump does.

The acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Thomas Homan, was proud to announce that the agency’s deportations of non-criminal undocumented immigrants had gone from “zero to 100” in the first six months of the Trump administration.

“The executive orders are clear. Anybody who reads the executive orders — no population is off the table. So non-criminals, yeah, those that have got a court order from a judge who refuse to leave, we’re looking for them. Those who enter the country illegally, I’ve said it a hundred times, that is a crime, to enter this country illegally.”

“Under the prior administration, non-criminals were not a priority, So when you go from zero to 100, of course you’re going to see the biggest rise in that.”

When asked about the possibility that an undocumented person with information about a crime might not come forward  to aid the police because they fear they might end up detained for deportation, he said,

“We’re not looking to arrest a victim of crime. We’re looking to arrest the bad guy. Right? Now, let me make this clear. Is there a population of illegal aliens that are off the table? I’m not saying that.”

He has also claimed that Sanctuary Cities invite criminals into their communities and protect them  so that criminals can have freedom to harass and commit crimes against innocent community members.

But, sanctuary cities actually simply refusing to use law enforcement resources to follow the immigration department’s detainer requests because to do so would be unconstitutional.

It is sad that when claiming to be supporting the law and the people of the United States, those who claim they are doing that have to lie to create an enemy.

If Homan stuck to the truth, he would have to accept his own agencies findings that:

  • There are, on average, 35.5 fewer crimes committed per 10,000 people in sanctuary counties compared to non-sanctuary counties.
  • Median household annual income is, on average, $4,353 higher in sanctuary counties compared to non-sanctuary counties.
  • The poverty rate is 2.3 percent lower, on average, in sanctuary counties compared to non-sanctuary counties.
  • Unemployment is, on average, 1.1 percent lower in sanctuary counties compared to non-sanctuary counties.
  • While the results hold true across sanctuary jurisdictions, the sanctuary counties with the smallest populations see the most pronounced effects.

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But he prefers to keep Trump happy rather than stand up for the truth.

How safe is anyone with that?

A week after the state’s Supreme Judicial Court ruled that law enforcement does not have the legal authority to comply with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests, Massachusetts governor, Charlie Baker proposed a bill that would allow police and courts to hold people facing deportation orders in custody for extra time to allow them to be turned over to federal immigration officials.

Unlike the ICE man, however, Baker does not want to go after everyone,

“For years, many local police departments and the trial court have cooperated with ICE to ensure that they can detain violent and dangerous criminals, convicted of crimes like murder and rape, to keep our communities safe,” Baker said in a statement. “This bill allows the state police to honor specific detainers.”

But this will still have a chilling effect on those who could help reduce crime by reporting it and cooperating with local police if they have any information that would be helpful.

He, at least, says he wants to limit it those who commit violent crimes such as terrorism, street-gang activity or human trafficking, or has been convicted of a felony not directly related to immigration status.

But any foot in the door will be abused by the gung-ho crowd like the Bristol County sheriff who prefers scary campfire stories over studies.


A presidential groaner

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