As the insurance ad says,
“We know a few things because we’ve seen a few things.”
Since I had been advocating for GLBT students in my last school district for two or three years before transferring from the middle school to the high school, it seemed a little odd that the principal of the high school, as he was later to explain to the area union representative at a meeting where I was in attendance, had come to the conclusion that I was only involved in such advocacy to make him look bad.
To deal with this and to somehow make me look weak and he strong, he decide on a strategy that he thought would be effective in protecting his reputation while establishing that I was involved in a non-issue and was merely being radical for personal gain.
He had a vice principal he had worked with at another school transferred to the his present school. She was a Lesbian to whom he had made the promise that when he retired he would do what he could to get her appointed as his replacement, and she played the game that she thought would guarantee this.
He appointed her head of all things Gay, and as she declared to me in front of a witness that there were no Gay kids in high school, this did not bode well.
It was clear he intended this vice-principal to counter the Gay man, and by denying any progress to the benefit of Gay students because they were unnecessary, I would look like a radical inventing a problem, while he like a person supporting what was correct in spite of my radical agenda, and the vice-principal would be rewarded with a promotion and a bigger paycheck.
As the head of all things Gay, a position she should have turned down as there were no Gay kids in high school, anything I wanted to do that would supply students both Gay and straight with correct and self affirming information on GLBT people was denied, and when some Gay and Lesbian students expressed a desire for the same, she controlled what information they got.
She allowed interested students to plan a Gay History Month display, but refused to supply them with any information, and as the district’s computer filtering program blocked anything with the word “Gay” in it, this forced them to get it from off campus sources. When they submitted the components of their display, many listing famous Gay and Lesbian people, the vice-principal removed the words “Gay” and “Lesbian” from the final display so the “Famous Lesbians”, a title chosen for one section by the student who compiled the list, was replaced with “Famous Women”.
Although we had a bulletin board upon which was to be posted notifications of off campus events that would be of interest to students, and a she was also in charge of that, information of interest to GLBT students was not allowed.
She told me that I could not have a Gay History Month display in my classroom, although permission was not denied for Black History, Hispanic Heritage, or Asian Heritage months.
At the direction of the principal she chose two Gay students from among, apparently, the ones who did not exist, and formed a Gay Straight Alliance, thereby violating the procedures of the Equal Access Act for forming extra-curriculum clubs and jeopardizing its very existence if an anti-GLBT person filed an objection; held the meetings one half hour after students left for the day minimizing participation; and in another violation of the Equal Access Act wrote a memo telling teachers, and me specifically, that only students could attend.
The club was not included in any publications where clubs were mentioned, and it did not exist according to clubs listed in the yearbook. Rather than allowing the student to write the club’s constitution and by-laws, in another violation of the EAA, the vice-principal wrote both documents with no student input, told the students they had to sign it if they wanted the GSA, and then supposedly filed both with the student council who kept such information in a file cabinet. However, when a request was made a few months later to retrieve them for review, they were not in the file cabinet, and no one could recall their ever having been submitted
She forbade that the club members should have anything to do with the Young Gay and Lesbian Alliance that met at the the GLBT Community Center, and discouraged their participation in the GLBT Prom.
She was working very hard to make sure she would get the principal’s recommendation for his job to the detriment of the GLBT students and any progress to have them protected in district’s policies on bullying, harassment, and nondiscrimination.
And when it became obvious that the new superintendent intended to bring his own people into the district with one of them getting the principal’s job, all that obstruction came to nothing.
Later, when, for reasons I cannot fathom beyond her grasp of reality was not that strong, she confided in me that she was so angry at this development, and knowing that it would drive the new guy crazy, she totally reversed herself and began allowing that which she had obstructed, and, to make it worse, actually contacted GLBT national publications and organizations, who assumed she was not lying, and informed them that while no one else had been able to do anything for the GLBT students, she had single handedly accomplished a number of things, those things she had previously obstructed, and explained that where others had failed, only she was able to succeed.
This impressed the national organizations and publications that had turned their backs previously when their help was sought, but the local community knew the reality and was not pleased.
Basically, she had simply stopped obstructing so progress could be made, and then took credit for the work of others.
An aside, later, when she should have taken a strong stand on Student and Parent Handbook language if she truly was the influence she claimed to be, she did not stand up and demand the appropriate protective language that should be included. This meant that it had to be done by others, and at a cost of a career.
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Why do I mention this?
I mention it because I understand what was done to Obama when it came to Syria by those who obstructed him, to what they hoped was their advantage, who have now done a complete 180 when the President and both houses of congress became Republican and are now taking credit for the things that could have been accomplished without their obstruction.
Trump bombed Syria, and the conservative world went nuts praising him for being a man of action who addressed the gassing of Syrians with a decisiveness not displayed by Obama. Trump was a man of action; Obama was not.
In response to Syria’s use of chemical weapons back in 2012, President Obama said,
“I have, at this point, not ordered military engagement in the situation. But the point that you made about chemical and biological weapons is critical. That’s an issue that doesn’t just concern Syria; it concerns our close allies in the region, including Israel. It concerns us. We cannot have a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people.
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.
I’m saying is we’re monitoring that situation very carefully. We have put together a range of contingency plans. We have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that that’s a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front or the use of chemical weapons. That would change my calculations significantly.”
He did not say he was drawing a red line in the sand. That is one of the misrepresentations of reality that, if repeated often enough without questioning, becomes true, apparently.
When that 2012 attack happened, since no one really knew who had used the Sarin gas, it had to be ascertained who it was before any action could be taken. After an investigation that ignored all the claims that it was Assad Regime, or ISIS, or Anti-Assad Rebels, or the Kurds, or any of the internet or cable news conspiracy theories, it was established that it had, indeed, been Assad.
Things in Syria, when it came to Sarin gas, went quiet after Obama’s words.
When on August 21st of 2013, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used deadly Sarin nerve gas in Ghouta, Syria taking 1,729 lives, with over 3,600 people wounded and unknown long-term causalities, Conservatives insisted that Obama not act in Syria without Congressional approval, as did many Democrats and Republicans. Among all those “advisors” was Donald J Trump. Obama asked for the approval, finally getting it on September 6, 2013.
Even with that approval, Obama listened to the American people and who overwhelmingly objected to any military involvement in Syria. We were already militarily involved in arenas all over the map, especially the map of the Middle East.
Through diplomacy, Assad agreed to allow his chemical weapons stockpiles to be destroyed as a part of a deal with the United States and Russia.
No bombs were dropped and no people died to have it happen, but instead, without firing a shot, chemical weapons left Syria.
Obama played tough, sought Congressional approval, and accomplished the objective.
As much “shock and awe” that was supposed to be produced by this past week’s bombing of an evacuated airfield, the airfield was back in use in one day, and Assad had bombs dropped on the same city whose bombing had cause all the anger just 48 hours before.
So I for one would like to know why what Obama did was weak and impotent when compared to the man of action’s action, and why conservatives just cannot accept the facts of history.
Assad had honored the agreement brokered by Obama for four years, while any results of the actions of Trump were dismissed within 2 days,
They are like that vice principal. The Republican led Congress was responsible for any inaction because it played into what they claimed was an agenda, but now claim they are the ones who acted.