My latest pet peeve


Conservatives, specifically the Evangelical crowd, not only have a fixation with Gay people, very often being obsessed with what they think Gay people do with each other and love to talk about what they have dreamed up, but they also consistently look for ways to make sure we remain second class citizens, gladly accepting our tax dollars while finding ways to make sure they, the conservatives, not the Gays, benefit from the money collected.

As long as Gay people stayed in the shadows and did not object to the derogatory jokes and the mincing inexact imitations of how we were suppose to walk and talk, everything was just fine.

But when we decided that, NO, we were not going to be second class citizens in our own country and began demanding and working to insure that our Constitutional rights should not be dismissed, they just couldn’t handle that.

As a matter of fact, when Jerry Falwell recognized that if his Moral Majority was to attract people it would need a bogey-man, he announced at the first official meeting that Gay people would fit that bill quite nicely.

When the AIDS epidemic first hit and the first recognized cases were among Gay men , it was happily assumed that it was a Gay disease, and letting Gay people die was acceptable.

But when it was discovered that certain markers had been missed and the reality was that the virus was in, and had always been in the general population, the anti-Gay AIDS jokes slowed, and something was finally done. But not for the Gays, but for others.

God’s punishment of the Gays turned out not to be God’s punishment of the Gays.

As the Gay community made progress against discrimination and the conservatives began losing an acceptable target, the fear mongering intensified, and not only did religious leaders and politicians begin advocating for jail time and, yes, even death, Red states began passing so called “religious freedom” laws which were basically laws that skirted the Constitution and sanctioned discrimination based solely on the same excuse kids use to avoid school work, “it’s against my religion”.

Denying a cake for a Gay wedding was a defensible act, but in spite of the Biblical proscription against marriage after divorce, no Christian baker seemed all that bothered by making cakes for second, post divorce marriages, or marriages of those who had been cheating on their wives and husbands before the divorces. Cakes for Gay weddings are bad, while cakes celebrating adultery are just fine.
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And now that Gay marriage equality is the law of the land, there are conservative religious leaders and politicians who have pledged they will do whatever they can to have it done away with.

Then we got the Muslims.

Anything that can turn people against Muslims is grabbed at.

I have actually had conversations with people who are still anti-Gay and support any actions that can be taken to reduce our standing as citizens to second class, who are now telling me that I should be anti-Muslim because certain Muslim Countries kill Gay people.

I am basically being told to ignore the crappy treatment being promoted in this country by these very people so I can join in their hatred of some other group.

They are using the deaths of Gay people in those countries to promote their hatred, and telling me to look over there as they spit in my eye.

Here’s a suggestion.

Leave my rights alone and stop coming up with attempts to take them away. Stop hiding you bigotry against me behind your religion.

And when I can trust your behavior here, maybe then I will look where you are pointing.  Otherwise, you are asking me to side with you by treating me like I am as stupid as you need me to be.

To quote me is to misquote me


History repeats itself.

Perhaps not always in content; but in approach.

In 2011 Newt Gingrich threw his hat in the ring to be the Republican candidate in the 2012 elections. Then, like now, the process began at least a year before the RNC national convention.

Paul Ryan, who would eventually become the GOP Vice-Presidential nominee, had explained his version of Healthcare, one that had the majority of the party’s support, but Newt thought it was “radical”.

Ryan’s plan was to have turned the Medicare system into a voucher system so that seniors could purchase private insurance with government money.

Gingrich, however publicly objected to his rival’s plan because,

“What you want to have is a system where people voluntarily migrate to better outcomes, better solutions, better options, not one where you suddenly impose it. I am against Obamacare imposing radical change, and I would be against a conservative imposing radical change.”

After Ryan defended his plan and it became clear Newt’s statement went against his own party and Ryan’s supporters, Gingrich announced,

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Basically his defense for his anti-GOP statement was that to quote him was to misquote him. The  offense was not his saying what he said; the offense, according to him, was to tell people what he had said.

To quote him verbatim was to misquote him.

Trump has decided to follow that same strategy.

After Donald listed some falsehoods about what he claims Hillary wants to do as president, he went after her for possibly being able to appoint a number of Supreme Court Justices and told the crowd,

“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks…Although for the Second Amendment people, maybe there is…”

Now his campaign is claiming that in spite of having said that, the American people, all of us, including his own supporters, are really, really stupid. They claim that he didn’t actually say what he clearly said, what people had heard.

Jason Miller, Trump’s senior communications advisor, claims Trump meant that the Second Amendment people can do something about Clinton by voting for Trump.

Since he means what he said, why didn’t he just say that?

It’s elementary, my dear GOP


It seems that the GOP has confused Hillary Clinton with Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes’s arch-enemy, because, unlike the professor who was busted by Sherlock Holmes, the GOP has attempted for over 25 years to have Hillary eliminated from politics by accusing her of a great number of things from murder to theft to her husband cheating on her because, obviously, she is guilty of that somehow.

And, in spite of spending $5 million to find something to get her on, with some of that involving seven investigations on the same topic that produced the same results each time, they keep coming up empty handed.
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Hillary has never been arrested, and her crimes, rather than being actual ones, are simply the hopes of those who simply find her to be a woman who is not keeping in her place.

Basically, the only real similarities between Professor Moriarty and the crimes of Hillary Clinton are that they are the products of fiction.

Lest we forget


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“The charge has been made that the United States has shipped weapons to Iran as ransom payment for the release of American hostages in Lebanon, that the United Stare undercut its allies and secretly violated American policy against trafficking with terrorists. Those charges are utterly false. We did not—repeat—did not trade weapons  or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

To summarize: Our government has a firm policy not to capitulate to terrorist demands. That no concessions policy remains in force, in spite of the wildly speculative and false stories about arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments. We did not — repeat — did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we”.

Ronald Reagan said that on November 13, 1986.

For those who have been led to believe the man was a saint because they were born too late to really know him and have heard very little to the contrary, he really wasn’t.

He started the decline of the Middle Class, closed institutions so that the mentally ill were thrown out homeless onto the streets, did what he could to kill unions, allowed religion too prominent a position in secular politics which led to his extremely slow response to the AIDS crisis among other things, and lied to the American people a lot.

His first big lie was to take credit for freeing the hostages taken in the 1979 Iran revolution, pretending the idea of him as president was a threat enough to have Iran buckle, when, in fact, the diplomacy that bought about the release had taken place quietly under Carter who ended up facing the same fate as John Adams who lost his bid for reelection while quietly applying diplomacy to avert war with France, but the quietness of it giving the impression that nothing was happening.

Had the timing been better in both cases, perhaps both Adams and Carter would have been reelected.

Reagan made a few blunders that have been erased from popular history, like the bombing of a marine base under his watch, the deaths of quite a few people at the hands of Middle Eastern states, and the taking of hostages in Lebanon.

There were no investigations called for, so unlike recent times where investigations are called at the slightest provocation, people under the age of 35 would probably have little knowledge of the events.

But the biggest of his lies was that November statement to the American people.

Reagan wanted to get the hostages out while still attempting to look tough, and part of the tough image called for telling the American people that the United States did not negotiate for hostages.

This was technically correct if you accept that the approach he took, exchanging them for weapons, not money, made a difference.

Iran was an enemy state, you should know that by all the GOP objections to the Iran Nuclear deal under Obama, yet we were supplying them with arms to get our hostages out of Lebanon, a country Iran was friends with at the time.

Ronald Reagan was of a generation that kept diaries and Journals, something done especially by people who were in high positions since they just had to know people would want to know the little events of their private lives and what they thought about the great and little things happening around them.

So even as Saint Ronald told the American people that there was nothing to see here, he wrote in his diary in December of 1986:

“ N.S.C. briefing. Subject was our undercover effort to free our 5 hostages held by terrorists in Lebanon. It is a complex undertaking with only a few of us in on it. I won’t even write in the diary what we’re up to”.

And then within 2 days of that entry he wrote:

“ I then had a meeting with Don R., Cap W. and Bud M., John P., Geo. Schultz and Mahan of C.I.A. This had to do with the complex plan which could return our 5 hostages & help some officials in Iran who want to turn that country from its present course & on to a better relationship with us. It calls for Israel selling some weapons to Iran. As they are delivered in installments by air our hostages will be released. The weapons will go to the moderate leaders in the army who are essential if there is to be a change to a more stable govt. We then sell Israel replacements for the delivered weapons. None of this is a gift–the Iranians pay cash for the weapons–so does Israel”.

These entries seem to contradict his hope that perception would  replace reality when he told the American people in March, 1987, after his administration got caught,

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President Reagan provided weapons Tehran for its war with Saddam Hussein, who was actually an ally of the U.S. at the time.

How’s that for being a good and trustworthy friend?

Under the direction of Oliver North, who now has a show on Fox and had a lot to say recently about the $400,000,000 owed to Iran since Reagan became president, the proceeds of those sales were then funneled to the Contras fighting the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

So the United States was selling arms to the enemy and then using the proceeds to fund a war that by law we were not supposed to be involved in and for which Congress had denied any financial involvement.

He did this behind Congress’s back in spite of a vote of Congress to keep out of the Contra/Sandinista conflict..

The secret began to unravel after a secret mission to Teheran brought a Bible with a handwritten verse from President Reagan to the Iranian leaders, which was somewhat offensive to an Islamic state, especially that one at the time, and some of the missiles that were passed from Israel as part of the deal had the Star of David insignia on them, and Iran reacted.

There was also a key-shaped cake to symbolize the anticipated ”opening” to Iran.

A further Reagan diary entry stated simply,

“I agreed to sell TOWs to Iran”.

TOW stands for Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided missiles, which are anti-tank missiles.

Oh, and he delivered hundreds of them.

Oliver North was indicted for his actions, but this was later overturned by appellate court judge Laurence Silberman who was later in charge of finding the non-existent WMDs that got us into the Iraq war.

In December 1992, outgoing President George H.W. Bush offered Christmas pardons to Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and five other Iran-Contra scandal figures including John Poindexter and Elliot Abrams who eight years later showed up in George W’s administration.

Now, while the GOP, including Oliver North, is claiming that President Obama just paid that $400,000,000  in exchange for the January release of four American hostages held by Tehran, what they choose to ignore, or hide, is that this was money that was deposited by Iran before the 1979 revolution to buy U.S. military equipment, and frozen under President Jimmy Carter after Americans were taken hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

Iran has been suing for three decades to get its money back, and ultimately won their suit. The longer it took for the United States to pay the money back, the higher the interest would grow, and the interest on that money can get pretty steep after thirty years.

And lest people forget, besides the arms for hostages business, part of the agreement that led to the 52 remaining embassy hostages being freed in 1981 under Reagan, was that Iran got back $3 billion of its $12 billion in frozen assets as well.

But Oliver North, the manipulator in the Arms for Hostages Deal, claims, as he did recently on Fox News, that the Obama administration bent over backwards “to support the Iranian regime.”

Clearly this is not the case in this instance as opposed to what he and Reagan did, but, hey, it’s Obama.

Why deal in reality?


McConnell at the Lincoln Memorial

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In 2010 Mitch McConnell made it clear that as far as the Republicans in the senate were concerned.

“the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

It was supposed to be “Our focus will continue to be on jobs”, but that seemed to have gone by the wayside. After all, in their first 138 days in control of Congress, Republicans passed NO jobs bills.

Their plan for a one term presidency failed, so there is nothing to be proud of there, and the same goes with no jobs bills. And, let’s not forget the stuff veterans were denied.

Then Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died on February 13, 2016, and the new priority became preventing the president from fulfilling his constitutional obligation of replacing him, creating the longest Supreme Court vacancy in 50 years.

Just the other day on August 6, at an event in Fancy Farm, Kentucky, McConnell boasted that.
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“One of my proudest moments was when I looked at Barack Obama in the eye, and told him, Mr. President, you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy.”

Now that’s something to be proud of.

I should point out that at the same event during the speech in which he made his boast, he also claimed that at the Democratic National Convention Democrats had been yelling, “Lock her up”.

I watched both conventions, and either the man is confused, or he deliberately lied to his audience assuming either they had not watched the convention, or they did not remember what they saw and heard.

This is what has become of the party of Lincoln.


Let the games begin


I know I am supposed to be all ” U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” about the Olympics, but I just can’t get into it especially when they tell the competitors who will be swimming in the bay to keep their mouths shut so nothing gets in.
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Just leaving this here


In his day, as I was once told by a principal at the beginning of this century who did not see why Gay kids should expect anything other than harassment while also objecting to the idea that Gay kids should be allowed to date kid like themselves, and explained that all couples should be heterosexual,

“That’s just the way it is.”

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Since he didn’t experience racism, it did not exist.


Heard it at the coffee shop


As proof that the Democratic primaries were rigged against Sanders and in favor of Hillary, I was shown two pictures. One was a picture of a Bernie Sanders rally with thousands of people, while the other was of a Hillary Clinton Rally with, perhaps, a few hundred, and the person asked how, with that big a difference between rally attendance, the one with the smaller crowd could have possibly won.

When I pointed out that it was not the number of people who attend a rally, especially as it was plain in the Bernie rally picture that there were many parents with kids and people obviously too young to be registered voters, it was the number of people who showed up to the polls that counted, the response was that people who vote are those who have gone to rallies.

The person is weak on reality.

Somehow I got on two Bernie Revolution Facebook pages and one email list.

The majority of posts and emails have advocated that rather than vote for Hillary, those supporting the Bernie Revolution should vote either for Trump to rail against a rigged system, or vote for the Green Party.

First, if they are really for the Bernie Revolution, how could they possibly contemplate voting for someone who so openly opposes it?

Unless, of course, if what they claimed were needed changes were  actually things that they thought would instantly apply to them without realizing or being unwilling to accept that even Bernie as president would still have to deal with the House and Senate who must go along with what he proposed.

Bernie winning did not guarantee that everyone gets a trophy.

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We have seen for the last 7.5 years that, regardless what he could have done to help the American people, President Obama was obstructed by the opposing party merely on the principle of opposition as opposed the principle of helping the American people.

One prime example would be that those who yelled “Support the Troops” the loudest consistently voted down any legislation that actually would have supported them merely because President Obama had brought it up.

What’s necessary to get things done is to elect senators and congress members that will support the programs of the president, and in the upcoming election that would mean Democrats and independents who want to make changes, not obstruct them.

If the Democrats take back the senate who better than either Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders to take leadership roles so they could rally the troops and get things done if there is a Democrat in the White House instead of finding themselves having to fight bizarre legislation proposed by a bizarre president.

Otherwise, it would simply be the last 7.5 years, but in reverse. The players would have switched sides, but the end game would be the same.

Do the Bernie Revolutionaries understand that, or are they a one candidate and one time rebel?

But this idea to totally erase Bernie by having his supporters vote for his very opposite seems ludicrous to me, and very disloyal.

Oh, and stupid.

It’s ironic, but it could happen

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The self-centered leap in thinking


As I was sitting across the desk from the deputy superintendent and explaining why the inclusion of Gay Students in school district policies on bullying, harassment, and nondiscrimination must be made clear and not left up to the assumptions of students, parents, and employees on whatever level, he pointed out the obvious that as a large man he had been a “fat kid” in middle school and had to face the hurtful taunts of his peers.

His concern was, that while we might make Gay student protection clearly included, what about the “fat kid”, the left-handed kid, and the kid who might have two different colored eyes?

I had to explain that I was not excluding them as I did not write school district policy, but, having something in common with the Gay kids, and having seen how they were being treated and talked about, that was the group I had chosen to advocate for while he, being able to speak from experience for the “fat kid”, should take whatever actions he thought necessary for their benefit.

As time went on, and I was in a position to propose inclusive language, for experimental purposes I accepted the compromise that the words “or for any other reason” be added to the end of the list of protected classes the district insisted they had to use as it was the federal Department of Education’s nondiscrimination list.  This was the list that included race, color, religion, national origin etc.

However as was to be expected, although, as all concerned continued to follow the original list with the new words added, Gay students continued to be subjected to the negative treatment and attitudes that I had attempted to end, or at least reduce.

This required going back and demanding the more explicitly inclusive language so as to remove any doubts or reluctance to include them.

At no time did I state that while I was concerned about the Gay students no one else deserved the protections from bullying, harassment, and discrimination. I had, after all, proposed the language “or for any other reason”, but I was concentrating on adding the words “sexual orientation” because that is the group with which I had identified.

When I was again asked about the “fat kid”, the left handed kid, and the kid with two colored eyes, I pointed out that I could offer a phrase that represented  the group for whom I was advocating while they, obviously, being concerned about and seeing a need to include the “fat kid”, the left handed kid, and the kid with two colored eyes, should not deny the protections I was seeking for my group,  but should find a way to include those they had such a concern about.

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I see this with Black lives Matter.

This is a group that chose a particular constituency because they saw a need for advocating for it.

They are not excluding anyone else, but like anyone in advocacy, they are being practical and pointed.

If all lives matter, what is the objection to members of one group making the point that theirs do?

If you see a need to point out that Asian Lives Matter, “Fat kids’” lives matter, left handed kids lives matter, that people with two colored eyes lives matter, and Blue lives matter, then advocate for them.

Don’t find fault with people advocating for a group with which they identify while being too lazy to advocate for your own group.

If the deputy superintendent was so aware of the bullying and harassment faced by “fat kids”, why had he chosen to do nothing to address that, and continue to deny protections to others?

Would it not have been better to take action so both groups, instead of none, would not have to face those problems?