Who do they work for?

“My question is simple.

I want to know why the pipeline is the very first, number one priority on the agenda in this new Congress.

Is this about Jobs?

The number of jobs the pipeline will create is disputed, but most estimates put it at a few thousand, or less.

What if we focused on highways instead of pipelines? We urgently need to pass a permanent highway bill.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials said it would create 8 million jobs over the next 4 years if we could pass a highway bill.

So is the pipeline about lowering America’s energy costs?

Evidently, not. Even its supporters admit much of the oil in the pipeline would be exported for use outside the United States.

So, it’s not about jobs. It’s not about energy
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Why is this bill so urgent?

The answer is MONEY, money and power.

The pipeline might not do much for the American people, but it’s worth a lot to the Canadian oil industry.

Since 2009 Trans Canada has spent almost $7 million in lobbying expenses related to Keystone. Trans Canada wants what it paid for.

Who does the new Republican Congress work for, foreign oil companies or the American people?

Today their first priority is to advance a pipeline. That means a whole lot to an army of well paid lobbyists and a whole lot to a giant foreign oil company”.

Elizabeth Warren: January 8, 2015


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What a racket


In the United States we have laws that everyone is expected to follow.

Religions can have their own rules for those who belong to them, but their rules do not supersede the laws that apply to everyone.

Hey, who doesn’t like bacon, a pork product?

One of our big concerns in the United Sates, and something upon which many people have strong opinions, is Sharia law being applied when civil laws should be obeyed.

I can’t just cut off your hands because you stole my TV.

If It’s wrong for Sharia, it is wrong for any religion to tell its members to ignore the laws of the land.

Same-sex marriage is now legal in Florida, so Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski has sent a memo to all church employees informing them that any expressions of support for gay marriage could cost them their jobs.

He even included tweets or Facebook posts when he wrote, “even if it occurs outside the normal working day and outside the strict confines of work performed by the employee for the Archdiocese. Employees should exercise discretion when posting on social media sites, and note that online activity indicative of prohibitive behaviors may subject an employee to disciplinary action or termination”.

So I guess if you intend to be present at a family member’s or a friend’s legal same-sex marriage in Florida, you need to make sure you don’t tell anyone you are going, and avoid posting any pictures on your Facebook page for friends to see after.

Freedom of expression is dead to you.

You are Catholic, so you lose some of your Creator endowed self evident rights.

But that’s okay.

So start juicing today – the nutrients found in freshly juiced fruits and cialis online vegetables are not only good for show and not for treating the issue out of the person. This problem is commonly found in men age 50 to 70. http://downtownsault.org/did1043.html order generic viagra Do not increase or decrease the dose. order cheap viagra http://downtownsault.org/northern-hospitality/ with discount is taken only when needed. Try not to merge two dissimilar drugs viagra online overnight together at a time. If you get fired and can’t find a job right away, you can always apply for unemployment compensation, but chances are you won’t get any since churches are exempt from paying the taxes that go into the system.

If you do get the benefits, it’s other people’s money, not that contributed by your exempt former employer.

So, I guess you can always go hungry or see if you can get a little public assistance to tide you over until you can find a new job.

But then, again, that will also come from taxes that churches don’t pay but non-church members do.

So, apparently, if you are fired for exercising your Constitutional right of freedom of expression because the church disregards the laws of the land, you might be able to rely on money that comes from the other people of the land whose laws the church choses to disregard.

What a racket.

Don’t pay taxes.

Ignore the laws of the land.

Get fee use of tax funded infrastructures like fire and police.

And, if necessary, have those you fired rely on the taxes paid by others.

Thank God we don’t have Sharia Law here.

“Bonum est deus!”

Or would that be “Allahu Akbar”?

Shhh. It wasn’t the right perpetrator.


In Colorado this week there was a bombing in front of the offices of the N.A.A.C.P. in Colorado Springs.

Some of the locals who were not in the immediate vicinity were not even aware of it because the news media said nothing about it.

The only description the FBI has of the possible bomber was that people had seen a “Caucasian gentleman get into a white truck” following the incident.

Not a thug, not a terrorist, just a Caucasian gentleman.

A man wears a hoodie, he’s white by the way, and it becomes his trademark mode of dress because he is just that kind of casual guy for a billionaire.

A Back kid walking down the street is killed while wearing a hoodie, and he deserves it because “thugs” wear hoodies.

A white Christian shooting up his place of employment because he was fired is a “disgruntled employee”.

A person interested in the Muslim religion who kills far fewer people at his place of employment because he is fired is an Islamic terrorist.

A White Christian blows up a Federal building killing 168 men, women, and children, and he is a lone bomber. He might have had only one compatriot. At least people were happy to settle with that.

A father and son, who kill an elderly couple, steal their pickup truck, go to another state with the bodies in the truck bed, and shoot at the police who stop them are simply a father and son who killed two people and shot at police. They are not “thugs”.

A White guy standing in the middle of the street brandishing a hunting rifle is told to put it down, and when he does not do it fast enough, he is spoken to calmly until he slowly does.
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A Black minor is seen with what appears to be a handgun in a local park, the police pull up, jump out of the police car and shoot him down. This was okay because he obviously was a “thug”.

A couple of White guys enter a restaurant and a toy store with rifles slung over their shoulders, and are supported in this because they were taking a stand for Second Amendment freedom.

A Black man picks up a toy rifle in the toy aisle of a Walmart and is gunned down for brandishing a gun. He was a “thug”.

A guy enters a church and shoots it up. He is a lone, disturbed man.

Another man of the Christian faith shoots up a Sihk temple and is a lone gunman.

It seems the actions of some individuals are looked at as merely the actions of those individuals, but with others, they represent either an actual group of people, or a stereotype that gives undue gravitas to their actions.

After all as Fox News pointed out, if a person commits a crime with a mask on, we can’t see the color of their skin, or their ethnicity, so we don’t know if they are the enemy.

Of course, the question does come up: Why doesn’t Ahmed Merabet, the Muslim police officer who was killed in Paris defending the freedom of speech represent the majority of Muslims?

Doesn’t fit the chosen narrative

Motivation is in the eyes of the beholder.


Time for presidential courage


The GOP in the House of Representatives, with the help of 28 Democrats, approved the TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL pipeline by a vote of 266-153.

The bill now goes to the Senate where Mitch McConnell is confident it will pass.

The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled today that the pipeline could go along the planned route, so McConnell promised that “If today’s ruling is still not enough to move the president to approve the project, Congress will force that decision”.
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The bill will go to the Senate next week where amendments can be added.

Time for the veto pen.


And people will believe him


When I taught Special Education I had at least two kids with this problem; They had so convinced themselves that their narrative was true, that to them it became the truth. It wasn’t automatic, but it established itself over time.

In one case it was a defense mechanism as the student’s real world was not safe in many respects, and in others it was just too boring compared to his peers. His created world was fascinating, and he was the most macho person in it.

In the other case the kid took pieces of other kids’ lives and grafted them to his own. Whereas his real world was empty and unexciting, his created world had him the hero of many adventures. He could escape from the boring reality to an exciting one, and in so doing come across as the person he would have liked to have been, just not the person he actually was.

Unfortunately when the two worlds collided, he got the bad end of the deal which he dealt with by creating more of the fantasy he needed.

Both assumed that the lives they presented were accepted by their peers. They did not realize they weren’t.

If they were to have been given a lie detector test, in spite of how wrong they were, and in spite of how many others in the room knew they were not telling the truth, they would not register as lying, as what they truly believed had become their own unarguable truth.

I know adult like this who, for whatever reason, appropriate the facts about other people’s lives, make them part of their experience, and become totally convinced that what they present as truth is the truth.

There is something familiar when I see what the GOP is now attempting to do as they hope that they can convince their followers to accept their created world as the real one.
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The GOP has just taken over both Houses of Congress, yet they are telling people that because they are now in charge all the good news of the past few months like gas prices falling, unemployment numbers getting lower while employment numbers rise, and Wall Street doing rather well, is all because of them.

Mitch McConnell claims,
“After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress”.

This expectation apparently goes back to the summer of 2014 when surveys and pundits backed the idea that Republicans would not do well in the mid-term elections.

Such is McConnell’s created world.

Things began to improve starting back in 2011, and as they did, the Republicans claimed there was no improvement. Now they want to not only claim that what they had been denying actually existed, but that the improvement was due to them.

Ignore that McConnell and his cohorts in the senate did what they could to obstruct any improvement for 6 years relying heavily on filibusters. According to him none of that ever happened.

After sticking it to the American people, and attempting to use that to ruin Obama, the GOP wants people to believe they were quietly improving things and it finally happened because of them.

Think of all the past events that were beneficial to the country. By McConnell’s reasoning they happened then because the GOP has both Houses now.

Bill Donohue of the (so called) Catholic League speaks

After the shooting at Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, issued this statement,

“Had [editor Stephane Charbonnier] not been so narcissistic, he may still be alive. Killing in response to insult, no matter how gross, must be unequivocally condemned. That is why what happened in Paris cannot be tolerated”.

He should have stopped here, but he continued, “But neither should we tolerate the kind of intolerance that provoked this violent reaction.”

Because of the magazine’s history of criticizing religion, according to Donohue the editor “didn’t understand the role he played in his [own] tragic death”.

Some of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo were admittedly a little over the top, some bordering on the tasteless, but that is no reason to massacre people.

His statement contained such things as
“Those who work at this newspaper have a long and disgusting record of going way beyond the mere lampooning of public figures, and this is especially true of their depictions of religious figures”.

“What unites Muslims in their anger against Charlie Hebdo is the vulgar manner in which Muhammad has been portrayed. What they object to is being intentionally insulted over the course of many years. On this aspect, I am in total agreement with them”.

He goes on to say that he does not condone violence, well, not in so many words anyway, but what he fails to acknowledge and accept, is that some of his statements and those of people who promote a twisted form of the Christian religion have encouraged people to take violent actions against certain people they think is justifiable in the name of religion.
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Quite a few GLBT kids have been the victims of violence from their peers based on what the adults have told them was a religious “obligation”, and many GLBT kids have taken violent actions against themselves because they have been led to believe that that is what they deserve.

I guess attempting to be who they are made it so that they “didn’t understand the role [they]played in [their] tragic death”.

I guess what Donohue and his ilk don’t want to accept is that these kids, and GLBT adults for that matter, have been “intentionally insulted over the course of many years”.

Violence as a result of religion is only objectionable in this case because it is not the right religion doing it for the “right” reasons.

What of all those things said by the religious about those they do not like because of Religious Liberty?

Of course Bill Donohue of the Catholic League can admit, “I am in total agreement with them”.

And if those who are tired of being intentionally insulted object, they are accused of persecuting those who insult them, and the self-described victims’ response is to get people into office who will pass laws that will allow the continuance of the intentional insults to person and citizenship.

Maybe he should have simply said, “This was wrong”.


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Boehner may be a little weak


These are some Republicans who voted against John Boehner for Speaker of the House:

• Louie Gohmert (Texas)
• Ted Yoho (Florida)
• Rep. Steve King (Iowa)
• Rep. Jim Bridenstine (Okla.)
• Rep. Dave Brat (Va.) (freshman)
• Rep. Walter Jones (N.C.)
• Rep. Gary Palmer (Ala.) (freshman)
• Rep. Thomas Massie (Ky.)
• Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.)
• Rep. Marlin Stutzman (Ind.)
• Rep. Curt Clawson (Fla.)
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Of those voting against Boehner, Representatives Daniel Webster and Rich Nugent of Florida lost their positions on the Rules Committee.

This committee sets ground rules for debate on all legislation in the House, and is known as the speaker’s committee.

Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, and a Tea Party favorite, complained of “retaliation” because he was denied the chairmanship of a subcommittee.

The little revolution failed, so it will be interesting to see if this rift between the far right and the moderates in the GOP House causes internal problems.