Category Archives: cartoon file

I’m just sayin’

Because the purpose of the Quigley Institute for Non-Heterosexual Archival Archaeology is to restore history as it was, correct the accepted historical record, initially find references to Homosexuality and among them those who we might now label Gay, and to be honest with any findings concerning Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression initially in regard to Whaling in the 18th through 20th Centuries, and eventually in all areas of history, I have been doing research and monitoring the February 11, 1895 log entry.

A situation came to my attention that I thought needed addressing.

The response was familiar, tone deaf, with the promise of meeting’s down the road.

The blog today is a link to description of a current set of circumstances that meant the Quigley Institute for Non-Heterosexual Archival Archaeology had to react to our being erased from history just after being finally found.

I found in the past that being up front with everything, the times I shine and those that have me blush, removes any chance for the accusation that something was withheld. This is what it is.





