sandwich cookie

I have often seen that my life is like a sandwich cookie in that, regardless what makes up the creamy middle, each end is either the same cookie or enough to be the same except for a few, minor cosmetic differences like color or design differences while in substance the same.

There are aspects of my youth that are repeating in my old age but not as I was led to believe they would.

I, for example , was taught to hold the door open for the next person, or give up a seat for an elder or a woman on a bus or train, led to believe such respect would be shown to me when I was the proper recipient age. The doors are still held open and the seats ceded to another but not as expected. I am still held to these duties especially the door holding even for the younger.

Apropos to present events, this sandwich cookie set up can be applied to the Olympics.

I was a post World War II child and having just defeated the Nazis, America was not going to just roll over for the Commies who, it seemed, were everywhere.

The Wall wasn’t even up yet but the divide between East and West Germany was clearly defined not only geographically but politically and philosophically. And when those were combined at the Olympic games it was clear the beliefs of the West kept us honest, but godless Communism encouraged rampant cheating for the glory of Mother Russia.

And so it was that each time a female athlete from East Germany won a medal of any value, while the American women won for their athleticism, the East German women won because they were really men raised as girls from an early age to appear to be trained female athletes.

This, of course, ignored the idea that perhaps girls in East Germany, being allowed to choose their sport or have it chosen for them, trained in it from an early age and not, as in America, having to wait until some arbitrary point in maturation that school systems decided what sports girls would be allowed to play regardless of personal leanings, but it worked for my father and his peers.

So now, it seems whenever a woman does well in a sport men would like to claim is their sole purview, and as there is neither a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or an East Germany, the problem this year is Transgender women and, by insisting on clinging to the security blanket that they are men pretending to be women, a lesser performance can be blamed on this years East German Problem.

The women we want to win are losing to men pretending to be women just as it was in my youth.

The cookie ends in this case are the generation before me blaming losses on East Germany’s faux females, and the other the younger generations’ claiming it is some Trans thing.






